- level tone
См. schleifender Akzent.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
Tone (linguistics) — Not to be confused with intonation (linguistics). Top tone ◌̋ ˥ … Wikipedia
Tone remote — General Electric Mobile Radio, unknown year). This GE manual covers tone and DC remotes. ] [To confirm the use of the phrase tone remote as accurate in describing this type of device, please see US Patent and Trademark Office patent ID 6950653,… … Wikipedia
Tone contour — A tone contour is a tone in a tonal language which shifts from one pitch to another over the course of the syllable or word. Tone contours are especially common in East and Southeast Asia, but occur elsewhere, such as the Kru languages of Liberia … Wikipedia
Tone letter — Register (level) tone ˥ ˦ ˧ ˨ ˩ IPA number 519–523 Entity … Wikipedia
tone — toneless, adj. tonelessly, adv. tonelessness, n. /tohn/, n., v., toned, toning. n. 1. any sound considered with reference to its quality, pitch, strength, source, etc.: shrill tones. 2. quality or character of sound. 3. vocal sound; the sound… … Universalium
level — lev|el1 [ levl ] noun *** ▸ 1 amount ▸ 2 standard/status ▸ 3 part/stage of system ▸ 4 floor in building ▸ 5 for checking if flat ▸ 6 particular height ▸ 7 way of understanding something ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count the amount of something, especially… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
level — I UK [ˈlev(ə)l] / US noun Word forms level : singular level plural levels *** 1) [countable] the amount of something, especially when it can be counted or measured Unemployment is now at its lowest level for 15 years. level of: The level of… … English dictionary
level — [lev′əl] n. [OFr livel < VL * libellus < L libella, dim. of libra, a balance, level, weight] 1. an instrument for determining, or adjusting a surface to, an even horizontal plane: it has a glass tube partly filled with liquid so as to leave … English World dictionary
Tone terracing — is a type of phonetic downdrift, where the high or mid tones, but not the low tone, shift downward in pitch (downstep) after certain other tones. The result is that a tone may be realized at a certain pitch over a short stretch of speech, shifts… … Wikipedia
tone — ► NOUN 1) a musical or vocal sound with reference to its pitch, quality, and strength. 2) the sound of a person s voice, expressing a feeling or mood. 3) general character: trust her to lower the tone of the conversation. 4) (also whole tone) a… … English terms dictionary