- synaloepha
См. sìnalefe.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
synaloepha — or synalepha [sin΄ə lē′fə] n. [L synaloepha < Gr synaloiphē, lit., a melting together < syn , together + aleiphein, to smear, anoint, akin to lipos, fat: see LIPO ] the contraction into one syllable of two adjacent vowels, usually by… … English World dictionary
Synaloepha — Syn a*l[oe] pha, n. [L.] Same as {Synalepha}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
synaloepha — Synalepha Syn a*le pha, n. [NL., fr. L. synaloepha, Gr. ?, from ? to melt together; sy n with + ? to besmear.] (Gram.) A contraction of syllables by suppressing some vowel or diphthong at the end of a word, before another vowel or diphthong; as,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
synaloepha — /sin l ee feuh/, n. the blending of two successive vowels into one, esp. the coalescence of a vowel at the end of one word with a vowel at the beginning of the next. Also, synalepha, synalephe /sin l ee fee/. [1530 40; < NL < Gk synaloiphé,… … Universalium
synaloepha — syn·a·loe·pha … English syllables
synaloepha — syn•a•loe•pha or syn•a•le•pha [[t]ˌsɪn lˈi fə[/t]] n. phn the blending of two successive vowels into one, esp. the coalescence of a vowel at the end of one word with a vowel at the beginning of the next • Etymology: 1530–40; < NL < Gk… … From formal English to slang
synaloepha — /sɪnəˈlifə/ (say sinuh leefuh) noun the blending of two successive vowels into one. Also, synalepha. {Latin, from Greek synaloiphē} …
synaloepha — n. contraction of two syllables into one by omission of vowel … Dictionary of difficult words
synaloepha — … Useful english dictionary
Sinalefa — (Del lat. synaloepha < gr. synaloiphe < synaleipho, mezclar.) ► sustantivo femenino POESÍA Cómputo en una sola sílaba de la vocal o vocales finales de una palabra con la vocal o vocales iniciales de la palabra siguiente. * * * sinalefa (del … Enciclopedia Universal