см. сабир.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
Div yezh — Logo de Modèle:Div Yezh Contexte général Champs d action Promotion et défense de l enseignement bilingue français breton à l école publique Zone d influence Bretagne historique … Wikipédia en Français
div — div·er; div·i·dend; div·il; div·i·na·tion; div·i·na·tor; div·i·ni·za·tion; div·i·nize; div·ot; div·vers; mer·div·o·rous; mun·div·a·gant; plov·div; sky·div·ing; div; div·vy; mal·div·i·an; khe·div·al; khe·div·ate; … English syllables
Div — or DIV may refer to: Division (disambiguation) <div>, an HTML tag that implements a generic block level element division, the mathematical operation that is the inverse of multiplication div(), a function in the C programming language that… … Wikipedia
Div (disambiguation) — Div or DIV may be:an abbreviation: * of division : ** lt;div gt;, an HTML tag that implements a generic block level element ** division, the mathematical operation that is the inverse of multiplication ** div(), a function in the C programming… … Wikipedia
Div-e-Sepid — Div e Sepid, the white demon, is slain by Rostam In the Persian epic of Shahnameh Div e Sepid (Lit.White Demon) is the chieftain of Divs (Persian for Demons) of Mazandaran. He is a huge being. He possesses great physical strength and is skilled… … Wikipedia
DIV — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda DIV Games Studio es un lenguaje de programación basado enteramente en el lenguaje de programación C, nacido en un principio para la creación de juegos en MS DOS. Fue creado por la empresa española Hammer… … Wikipedia Español
Div (C) — div is a function in C programming language that takes two integers as parameters and returns the result of a division between them. It is specified in ANSI C, and is included from the stdlib.h header when used.div always rounds towards 0, unlike … Wikipedia
Div Khaneh — Div Khaneh … Wikipedia
Div Khaneh-ye Bala — Div Khaneh ye Bala … Wikipedia
Div Khaneh-ye Pa'in — Div Khaneh ye Pa in … Wikipedia
Div — Div: Дивергенция Div (англ. division раздел) блочный тег в языке разметки html. Позволяет выделить в структуре документа несколько разделов. div в языке С функция для получения частного и остатка. div в языке Assembler для машин с… … Википедия