- deverbative
См. deverbale.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
deverbative — [dē vʉr′bə tiv, divʉr′bə tiv] adj. [ DE + VERB + ATIVE] 1. formed from a verb [the noun “thinker,” derived from “think,” is deverbative] 2. used in the formation of a word from a verb [the deverb … English World dictionary
deverbative — adjective Date: 1930 1. derived from a verb < the deverbative noun developer is derived from develop > 2. used in derivation from a verb < the deverbative suffix er in developer > • deverbative noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
deverbative — I. (ˈ)dē|vərbəd.iv adjective Etymology: de + verb + ative : derived from a verb the deverbative noun developer is derived from develop used in derivation from a verb the deverbative suffix er in developer … Useful english dictionary
deverbative — /dee verr beuh tiv/, Gram. adj. 1. (esp. of nouns) derived from a verb, as the noun driver from the verb drive. 2. indicating derivation from a verb, as the suffix er in driver or ment in development. n … Universalium
déverbative — ● déverbatif, déverbative adjectif déverbatif nom masculin Se dit d une forme dérivée du radical d un verbe, en particulier d un verbe dérivé d un verbe … Encyclopédie Universelle
deverbative — de•verb•a•tive [[t]diˈvɜr bə tɪv[/t]] also de•verb′al adj. 1) gram. (esp. of nouns) derived from a verb, as the noun driver from the verb drive[/ex] 2) gram. indicating derivation from a verb, as the suffix er in driver[/ex] 3) gram. a… … From formal English to slang
deverbative — adjective Derived from a verb … Wiktionary
deverbative — de·verb·a·tive … English syllables
Germanisches schwaches Verb — Als schwache Verben wird eine von drei Verbalklassen in den germanischen Sprachen bezeichnet. Ihr Kennzeichen ist die Bildung der Präteritalformen sowie des Partizips des Präteritums (Partizip II) mithilfe eines Dentalsuffixes. Die anderen zwei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
de|verb|a|tive — «dih VUR buh tihv», noun, adjective. –n. a word formed on or derived from a verb. The nouns engraver and engraving are deverbatives. –adj. derived from or formed on a verb: »a deverbative word, a deverbative ending … Useful english dictionary