- imparisyllabic
См. imparìsìllabo.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
Imparisyllabic — Im*par i*syl*lab ic, a. [L. impar unequal + E. syllabic: cf. F. imparisyllabique.] (Gram.) Not consisting of an equal number of syllables; as, an imparisyllabic noun, one which has not the same number of syllables in all the cases; as, lapis,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
imparisyllabic — 1. adjective /ɪmpæɹɪsɪˈlæbɪk/ Not having the same number of syllables in all its inflections (especially of Greek or Latin nouns); for example, the Latin word pars, which has the genitive form partis. 2. noun /ɪmpæɹɪsɪˈlæbɪk/ An imparisyllabic… … Wiktionary
imparisyllabic — (|)im+ adjective Etymology: Latin impar + English i + syllabic : not having the same number of syllables in all declensional cases the Latin words lapis, lapidis and mens, mentis are imparisyllabic … Useful english dictionary
imparisyllabic — /im par euh si lab ik/, adj. (of a noun) not composed of the same number of syllables in all of its inflected forms, as Latin corpus, corporis. [1720 30; IMPAR + I + SYLLABIC] * * * … Universalium
imparisyllabic — im·parisyllabic … English syllables
Old French — Spoken in northern France, parts of Belgium (Wallonia) and Switzerland, England, Ireland, Kingdom of Sicily, Principality of Antioch, Kingdom of Cyprus Extinct evolved into Middle French by the 14th century … Wikipedia
imparìsìllabo — (неравносложный | imparisyllabique | ungleichsilbig | imparisyllabic | imparìsìllabo) Тип склонения, в котором добавление окончаний при переходе от одного падежа к другому ведет к видоизменению основы и изменению числа слогов; например, в… … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
imparity — n. disparity. ♦ imparisyllabic, n. & a. (word) having different number of syllables in different cases … Dictionary of difficult words
-syllabic — sə̇|labik, bēk adjective combining form Etymology: French syllabique, from syllabe syllabic (from Latin syllabus, from Greek syllabos, from syllabē syllable) + ique ic more at syllable : having or relating to syllables of a (specified) kind or… … Useful english dictionary