- directive
См. direttivo.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
Directive 98/44 — Directive sur la brevetabilité des inventions biotechnologiques Le 30 juillet 2000 entrait en application la Directive 98/44/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 6 juillet 1998 relative à la protection juridique des inventions… … Wikipédia en Français
Directive 98/44/CE — Directive sur la brevetabilité des inventions biotechnologiques Le 30 juillet 2000 entrait en application la Directive 98/44/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 6 juillet 1998 relative à la protection juridique des inventions… … Wikipédia en Français
DIRECTIVE — Mot sans signification rigide en droit administratif français, mais d’un usage courant, et que des disciplines annexes permettent de préciser. En droit administratif communautaire européen, la directive est un acte émanant de la Commission ou du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
directive — I noun behest, bidding, charge, command, commandment, declaration, decree, decretal, demand, dictate, direction, edict, enjoinment, fiat, hest, imperative, instruction, mandate, notification, order, ordinance, precept, prescript, prescription,… … Law dictionary
directive — di‧rec‧tive [dˈrektɪv, daɪ ] noun [countable] an official order or instruction: • EU directives on cross border VAT payment * * * directive UK US /dɪˈrektɪv/ noun [C] ► an official order or instruction: »the latest European directive on working… … Financial and business terms
Directive — may refer to: Directive (European Union), a legislative act of the European Union Directive (poem), a highly acclaimed poem by Robert Frost Directives, used by United States Government agencies (particularly the United States Department of… … Wikipedia
Directive 51 — could refer to: Directive 51 (novel) by John Barnes George W. Bush s National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 51 Adolf Hitler s Directive 51 (3 November 1943) concerning the Atlantic Wall. This disambiguation page lists… … Wikipedia
directive — Subsection 5(4) of the Act empowers the Superintendent to issue directives. Every person to whom a directive is issued must comply with the directive. Directives may be issued concerning: counselling; the administration of the Act; any decision… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Directive — Di*rect ive, a. [LL. directivus: cf. F. directif.] 1. Having power to direct; tending to direct, guide, or govern; showing the way. Hooker. [1913 Webster] The precepts directive of our practice in relation to God. Barrow. [1913 Webster] 2. Able… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
directive — mid 15c. (adj.); 1640s (n.); from M.L. directivus, from pp. stem of L. dirigere (see DIRECT (Cf. direct) (v.)) … Etymology dictionary
directive — A USPS policy statement; regulation; set of guidelines, procedures, or standards; reference work, or similar material issued by the appropriate functional department. It serves to direct or guide Headquarters, field organizations, or the public.… … Glossary of postal terms