- consuetudinarius
- cōnsuētūdinārius, a, um [ consuetudo ]привычный, обычный Sid
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Consuetudinarius — Latin form of the *consuetudinary used in a monastery. By the 13c this Latin word had acquired another meaning, as an infrequent synonym of custumarius. [< Lat. consueo = to be accustomed] Cf. Custumarius … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Consuetudinario — ► adjetivo 1 Que es habitual u ordinario: ■ harta de las consuetudinarias críticas renunció al cargo. 2 TEOLOGÍA Que comete un pecado de manera habitual. * * * consuetudinario, a (del lat. «consuetudinarĭus») 1 adj. De [la] costumbre: ‘Derecho… … Enciclopedia Universal
consuetudinar — CONSUETUDINÁR, Ă, consuetudinari, e, adj. (livr.) Nescris, dar consacrat prin uz, prin datină; cutumiar. [pr.: su e ] – Din consuetudine. Trimis de gudovan, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 CONSUETUDINÁR adj. v. cutumiar. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007 … Dicționar Român
Consuetudinary — Con sue*tu di*na ry, a. [LL. consuetudinarius.] Customary. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Consuetudinary — (Medieval Latin consuetudinarius, from consuetudo, custom) is a term applied to law where the rule of law is determined by long standing custom as opposed to case law or statute. Most laws of consuetudinary basis deal with standards of community… … Wikipedia
Consuetudinary (book) — A consuetudinary (Med. Lat. consuetudinarius) is the name given to a ritual book containing the consuetudines forms and ceremonies used in the service of a particular monastery, religious order, or cathedral. Often, over long periods of time,… … Wikipedia
Consuēta — (Consuetudinarius, Consuetudinarium), in der alten Kirche das Ritualbuch, so v. w. Agende … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
consuetudinary — /kon swi toohd n er ee, tyoohd /, adj. customary or traditional. [1375 1425; late ME < LL consuetudinarius, equiv. to consuetudin (s. of consuetudo) CONSUETUDE + arius ARY] * * * … Universalium
Consuetudinary — The household books of a monastery in which are found its customs and those of its surrounding area. The Latin form was * consuetudinarius. [< Lat. consueo = to be accustomed] Cf. Customary … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Custumarius — Latin term for a customary tenant who was able to supply a man or more to perform those labour services required from his lord. Cf. Consuetudinarius … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Consuetus — Latin term for a customary tenant who was able to supply a man or more to perform those labour services required from his lord. Cf. Consuetudinarius … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases