- coctura
coctūra, ae f. [ coquo ]1) варка, кипячение CC, Col, PM2) плавление Sen3) созревание PM4) варево, похлёбка Col, Ambr
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
coptură — COPTÚRĂ, copturi, s.f. 1. Produs alimentar făcut din aluat şi copt în cuptor sau în spuză; p. ext. prăjitură de casă. 2. Puroi. ♦ Bubă coaptă; abces. 3. Bucată de rocă incomplet desprinsă de tavanul sau de pereţii unei galerii de mină şi care… … Dicționar Român
cochura — ► sustantivo femenino 1 Acción y resultado de cocer o cocerse: ■ para la cochura de las setas utilizó agua y zumo de limón. SINÓNIMO cocción 2 Conjunto de cosas que se cuecen de una vez, como panes, ladrillos o cacharros: ■ la primera cochura de… … Enciclopedia Universal
quittor — ˈkwid.ə(r), itə noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English quittere, quiture pus, quittor, probably from Old French quiture, cuiture act of boiling, act of cooking, from Latin coctura, from coctus (past participle of coquere to cook, boil) + ura ure… … Useful english dictionary
The King of Braves GaoGaiGar glossary — This is a glossary of terms from the anime and manga series The King of Braves GaoGaiGar and The King of Braves GaoGaiGar FINAL . Base energy sources G Stone and G Crystal The G Stone is an energy source developed on the Green Planet by the Green … Wikipedia
List of The King of Braves GaoGaiGar protagonists — This is an index of protagonist characters and robots in the anime and manga series The King of Braves GaoGaiGar and The King of Braves GaoGaiGar FINAL. Contents 1 Gutsy Geoid Guard/Gutsy Galaxy Guard 1.1 Guy Shishioh 1.1.1 Cyb … Wikipedia
Salz — Die Gewinnung des Steinsalzes geschieht entweder in steinbruchähnlichen Tagebauen oder durch bergmännischen unterirdischen Abbau. Tagebaue sind heute nur noch in südlichen Ländern in Betrieb, wo mächtige Salzlager oft ganz frei zutage treten, wie … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
quittor — /kwit euhr/, n. Vet. Pathol. purulent infection of horses and other hoofed animals, characterized by chronic inflammation of the lateral cartilage of the foot and formation of fistulas that open above the coronet, usually resulting in lameness.… … Universalium
COLBERGA — Urbs Pomeraniae ulterioris in ora maris Baltici, cum arce munita, sub Elctore Brandeburgico, antea sub Episcopo Caminensi. In Cassubia, ad ostia fluv. Persanti. Salis cocturâ celebris. 6. leuc. a Coslino in Occasum, 3. a Treptavia in Ortum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
CRATES Harundineae — Graecis ταρσοί, dicebantur viminea texta; super quibus siccabantur casei, uti videre est supra, ubi de Caseo. Aliu i quid erant ταρσοὶ καλάμων, apud Herodot. Musâ 1. texta videl. cannarum seu cannicia, quae, in Babyloniis muris, singulis laterum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
HEPAR — in Extispicina Vett. inprimis spectabatur: unde Extorum nomine κατ᾿ ἐξοχην` denotatum, licet pulmonem quoque et cor ceteraqueve inspicerent. Virg. Georg. l. 1, v. 484. Tristibus aut extis fibrae apparere minaces. Ubi fibrae, iecoris extremitates… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
cottura — cot·tù·ra s.f. 1. AD il cuocere, il cuocersi e il loro risultato: portare a cottura Sinonimi: 1cotta. 2. TS tecn. fase di trasfomazione del legno sminuzzato in cellulosa greggia per mezzo di liscivia acida o liscivia sotto pressione 3. TS fal.… … Dizionario italiano