Смотреть что такое "Cadmus" в других словарях:
Cadmus — Cadmus, or Kadmos ( el. Κάδμος), in Greek mythology, was a Phoenician prince, [John B. Alden, (1883). The Greek Anthology , pp. 160 162: Cadmus am I: ...though I am Phoenician born, I taught you Greeks your Alpha, Beta, Gamma .] son of Agenor and … Wikipedia
Cadmus — [kad′məs] n. [Gr Kadmos] Class. Legend a Phoenician prince and founder of Thebes: he kills a dragon and sows its teeth, from which many armed men rise, fighting each other, until only five are left to help him build the city … English World dictionary
CADMUS — I. CADMUS Agenoris fil. Phoenicum Rex. Alii eum e Tyro, alii autem e Sidone arcessunt, quibus habenda potior fides, quia Cadmi aevô Tyrus nondum erat condita. Regis filium Graeci faciunt, ut suo honori consulant, quia regnavit in Graecia; sed hoc … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cadmus — /kad meuhs/, n. Paul, born 1904, U.S. painter and etcher. /kad meuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a Phoenician prince who introduced writing to the Greeks and who founded the city of Thebes in the company of five warriors. Cf. Sparti. * * * In Greek… … Universalium
Cadmus — Kadmos (gr. Κάδμος) oder Cadmus (lat.) ist ein griechischer, männlicher Vorname. Die Bedeutung des Namens ist unbekannt und wahrscheinlich phönizischen Ursprungs. Bekannte Namensträger: Kadmos, Sohn des Agenor und der Telephassa, Gründer und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cadmus — Cadmos Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cadmos (homonymie). Cadmos et le dragon, amphore à figures noires d Eubée, v. … Wikipédia en Français
Cadmus — n. son of Agenor, Greek legendary hero, founder of the city of Thebes and creator of the Sparti (Greek Mythology); family name; Paul Cadmus (1904 1999), US etcher and painter; male first name … English contemporary dictionary
Cadmus — /ˈkædməs/ (say kadmuhs) noun Greek Legend a Phoenician prince who planted the teeth of a dragon he had slain, from which sprang up many warriors who fought each other until only five survived. These five, led by Cadmus, founded Thebes. –Cadmean,… …
Cadmus (disambiguation) — Cadmus may have a number of meanings:*Cadmus, in Greek mythology the son of the Phoenician king of Tyre and brother of Europa *Mount Cadmus, a mountain in Asia Minor *Project Cadmus, a government organization in DC Comics *Cadmus of Miletus, a… … Wikipedia
Cadmus Et Hermione — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cadmos (homonymie) et Harmonie (homonymie). Cadmus et Hermione est la première tragédie lyrique composée par Jean Baptiste Lully sur un livret de Philippe Quinault, créée le 27 avril[1] 1673 à l Académie royale… … Wikipédia en Français
Cadmus de Milet — Cadmus de Milet (grec Κάδμος), fils de Pandion, est un historien grec, qui paraît avoir vécu vers l an 540 avant notre ère. D après Strabon, il est, avec Phérécyde de Syros et Hécatée de Milet, un des trois premiers écrivains grecs qui aient… … Wikipédia en Français