- conventio
- conventio conventio, onis f соглашение
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
conventio — index contract, covenant, treaty Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Conventio — Lit. an agreement . During the 11c and the 12c, the barons of England and France/Normandy were almost continuously in dispute. These were private wars of the kind William I had forbidden in England after 1066 but which were not so susceptible to… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Conventio in manum — (lat.), im ältern röm. Rechte der Akt der Verehelichung, durch den die Braut unter des Mannes Hausherrschaft gestellt wurde … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
conventio ad excludendum — con·vèn·tio ad ex·clu·dèn·dum loc.s.f.inv., lat. TS polit. accordo che tende a escludere un organizzazione o un individuo da un organismo decisionale, una formula di governo, ecc. {{line}} {{/line}} ETIMO: lat. conventio ad excludendum propr.… … Dizionario italiano
conventio — /kanvensh(iy)ow/ In Canon law, the act of summoning or calling together the parties by summoning the defendant. In Civil law, a compact, agreement, or convention. An agreement between two or more persons respecting a legal relation between them.… … Black's law dictionary
conventio — /kanvensh(iy)ow/ In Canon law, the act of summoning or calling together the parties by summoning the defendant. In Civil law, a compact, agreement, or convention. An agreement between two or more persons respecting a legal relation between them.… … Black's law dictionary
conventio — An agreement; a covenant; a writ for breach of covenant … Ballentine's law dictionary
Conventio in manum. — См. Руки просить … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
conventio in unum — /kanvensh(iy)ow in yuwnam/ In the civil law, the agreement between the two parties to a contract upon the sense of the contract proposed. It is an essential part of the contract, following the pollicitation or proposal emanating from the one, and … Black's law dictionary
conventio privatorum non potest publico juri derogare — /kanvensh(iy)ow prayvatorsm non powtast pablakow jiiray diyrageriy/ The agreement of private persons cannot derogate from public right, i.e., cannot prevent the application of general rules of law, or render valid any contravention of law … Black's law dictionary
conventio vincit legem — /kanvensh(iy)ow vinsat liyjam/ The express agreement of parties overcomes [prevails against] the law … Black's law dictionary