- convenit
- convenit convenit подобает
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
convenit — CONVENÍ, convín, vb. IV. intranz. 1. A corespunde cu dorinţele cuiva, a fi pe placul cuiva. 2. A cădea de acord cu cineva; a se învoi, a se înţelege. ♦ tranz. A accepta, a admite. ♦ A încheia o convenţie. – Din fr. convenir, lat. convenire.… … Dicționar Român
convenit — /kanviynat/ In civil and old English law, it is agreed; it was agreed … Black's law dictionary
convenit — /kanviynat/ In civil and old English law, it is agreed; it was agreed … Black's law dictionary
convenit — It is agreed … Ballentine's law dictionary
Versipellem frugi convenit esse hominem quod pectus sapit. — См. С волками жить, по волчьи выть … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Cui non convenit sua res, ut calceus olim… — См. У всякого своя блошка … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
bona fides exigit ut quod convenit fiat — /bowna faydiyz egzajat at kwod kanviynat fayat/ Good faith demands that what is agreed upon shall be done … Black's law dictionary
dolum ex indiciis perspicuis probari convenit — /dowlam eks indishiyas parspikyuwas prowberay kanviynat/ Fraud should be proved by clear tokens … Black's law dictionary
hoc servabitur quod initio convenit — /hok sarveybatar kwod anish(iy)ow kanviynat/ This shall be preserved which is useful in the beginning … Black's law dictionary
jus jurandi forma verbis differt, re convenit; hunc enim sensum habere debet: ut deus invocetur — /jas jarasnday forma varbas difart, riy kanviynat; haijk iyam sensam habiriy debat: at diyas invasiytar/ The form of taking an oath differs in language, agrees in meaning; for it ought to have this sense; that the deity is invoked … Black's law dictionary
lex semper intendit quod convenit rationi — /leks sempar antendat kwod kanviynat rasshiyownay/ The law always intends what is agreeable to reason … Black's law dictionary