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Eugenius Vulgarius — ou Eugenio Vulgario (fl v. 887 928)[1] était un prêtre et un poète italien du début du Xe siècle. Biographie Le qualificatif d Eugène fait peut être allusion à une origine bulgare, et il se peut qu il ait été un descendant de la horde d… … Wikipédia en Français
Eugenius Vulgarius — or Eugenio Vulgario ( fl. c. 887 ndash;928) [ Eugenio Vulgario , Dizionario biografico degli Italiani (Rome: Società Grafica Romana, 1960 ndash;present).] was an Italian priest and poet. Eugenius epithet may allude to his Bulgar heritage, and he… … Wikipedia
Cadaver Synod — The Cadaver Synod (also called the Cadaver Trial or, in Latin, the Synodus Horrenda ) is the name commonly given to the posthumous ecclesiastical trial of Pope Formosus, held in the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome during January of 897. [For … Wikipedia
Auxilius of Naples — (which has been considered a pseudonym [According to Hefele.] ) was an ecclesiastical writer. To him are attributed a series of writings [Migne, Patrologia Latina , CXXIX, 1054 sqq.] that deal with the controversies concerning the succession and… … Wikipedia
Auxilius of Naples — • The name (probably fictitious, according to Hefele) of an ecclesiastic to whom we owe a series of remarkable writings (P. L., CXXIX, 1054 sqq.) that deal with the controversies concerning the succession and fate of Pope Formosus (891 896), and… … Catholic encyclopedia
ЕВГЕНИЙ ВУЛЬГАРИЙ — [лат. Eugenius Vulgarius], мон., греко италийский поэт рубежа IX и X вв., писавший на латыни. Сведения о Е. В. черпаются исключительно из его поэтических произведений. Вероятно, уроженец Неаполя, где преподавал в епископской школе. Позже… … Православная энциклопедия
Christopher — Pope Christopher † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Christopher (Reigned 903 904). Some hold that Christopher, once Cardinal Priest of the Title of St. Damasus, a Roman and son of Leo, was an antipope. But though his manner of taking… … Catholic encyclopedia
Pope Christopher — Pope Christopher † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Christopher (Reigned 903 904). Some hold that Christopher, once Cardinal Priest of the Title of St. Damasus, a Roman and son of Leo, was an antipope. But though his manner of taking… … Catholic encyclopedia
Antipope Christopher — Christopher held the papacy from October 903 to January 904. Although he was listed as a legitimate pope in most modern lists of popes until the first half of the 20th century, the apparently uncanonical method by which he obtained the papacy led … Wikipedia
Cristóbal (antipapa) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cristóbal, fue un antipapa, (Roma, ¿? 906). Depuso al Papa León en 903, al año siguiente fue depuesto por el Papa Sergio III. El Papa Sergio III mandó degollar a León V en 903 y mandó estrangular a Cristóbal en el… … Wikipedia Español
Formosus — Pope Formosus † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Formosus (891 896) The pontificate of this pope belongs to that era of strife for political supremacy in Italy, which succeeded the disruption of the Carlovingian empire. Formosus was… … Catholic encyclopedia