Смотреть что такое "vulgariter" в других словарях:
Liste mittelalterlicher Walddeutscher Siedlungen — Deutsche Besiedlung Kleinpolens und Rotreußens im 15. Jahrhundert. Posen, 1934 Die Liste zeigt die Entwicklung mittelalterlicher Walddeutscher Siedlungsnamen im polnischen Karpathengebiet. Ein Teil der Siedlungen existiert heute noch, ein anderer … Deutsch Wikipedia
HERALDUS — I. HERALDUS Angliae REx, A. C. 1038. lege Heraldus. II. HERALDUS Germ. Herold, nuntius sacer, qui inter hostium cuneos libere fert imperata; munus antiquissimum et ab Heroum aevo. Exegit enim semper necessitas, ut inter ipsos hostes belli… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Íñigo Arista of Pamplona — Íñigo Íñiguez Arista ( ar. ونقه بن ونقه, Wannaqo ibn Wannaqo , Basque: Eneko Enekones Aritza/Haritza/Aiza) (c. 790 ndash; 851 or 852) was the first King of Pamplona (c. 824 ndash; 851 or 852). He is said by a later chronicler to have been count… … Wikipedia
Name of Romania — The name of Romania (România) comes from the Romanian Român, which is a derivative of the Latin adjective Romanus (Roman).[1] Romanians are a people living in Central and South Eastern Europe speaking a Romance language. Contents 1 Etymology of… … Wikipedia
Scanian Law — (Danish: Skånske Lov , Swedish: Skånelagen ) is the oldest Danish provincial law and one of the first Nordic provincial laws to be written down. It was used in the geographic region of Danish Skåneland, which at the time included Scania, Halland … Wikipedia
William de Malveisin — infobox bishopbiog name = William de Malveisin religion=Roman Catholic Church See = Diocese of St Andrews Title = Bishop of St Andrews Period = 1202 mdash; 1238 consecration = 1202For Glasgow Predecessor = Roger de Beaumont Successor = David de… … Wikipedia
Chronica (Guillaume de Puylaurens) — Cronica (in standard Latin, Chronica; in English, Chronicle ) is the short title of a history of Catharism and the Albigensian Crusade by the 13th century Toulousain author Guillaume de Puylaurens. The most important manuscript of the Chronica… … Wikipedia
Romanian Principalities — Infobox Former Country native name = Principatele Unite ale Valahiei şi Moldovei conventional long name = United Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia common name = Principatele Unite| continent = Europe region = country = Romania era = 19th… … Wikipedia
Ponte Sisto — is a footbridge in Rome s historic centre, spanning the river Tiber. It connects Via del Pettinari in the Rione of Regola to Piazza Trilussa in Trastevere. The current bridge was built by Pope Sixtus IV between 1473 and 1479.The bridge is… … Wikipedia
Диафония — (греч. diaponia нестройность звуков, разнозвучие). 1) Др. греч название диссонанса, противопоставлявшееся симфонии (благозвучию, консонансу). К Д. относили все интервалы, помимо октавы, квинты и кварты, к рые рассматривались как… … Музыкальная энциклопедия
Burg Camburg — Burgentyp: Höhenburg, Spornlage Erhaltu … Deutsch Wikipedia