
I trānsmissus, a, um part. pf. к transmitto II trānsmissus, ūs m. [ transmitto ]
переход, переезд (ex Galliā in Britanniam Cs)

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "transmissus" в других словарях:

  • English public school football games — During the early modern era students, former students and teachers at English public schools developed many unique codes of football. The most well known of these is Rugby football. British public school football also influenced directly the… …   Wikipedia

  • David Wedderburn (writer) — David Wedderburn (c.1580 – 23 October 1646) was a writer, and schoolmaster at Aberdeen Grammar School. Though his date of birth is not known, he was baptised on 2 January 1580, and was educated in Aberdeen. In April 1602 he started working at… …   Wikipedia

  • ARAUSIO — Urbs, Episcopatus et Principatus Galliae, in Provincia a Rhodano milliari, et Avenione 3. circiter milliaribus distat. Varia a Veteribus nomina sortita est, Arausio Cavarum, vel secundanorum, Arausica Civitas, et Arausionensis urbs, quô nomine a… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • CAROLUS V — I. CAROLUS V. cognomine Sapiens, Francorum Rex, Ioannis Regis fil. Primus Delphini titulô, ante regnum, insignis, Dux Normanniae quoque fuerat, et Patre in captivitate detentô, Regens, cui successit, A. C. 1364. Temporum suorum turbulentissimum… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • FOETAE — Latinis non solum feminae praegnantes sunt, sed et, quae onere levatae parvulos lactant, uti Hebraeis Gap desc: Hebrew, Gen. c. 23 v. 13. Plin de panthera, l. 8. c. 17. Feta erat, catulis procul in caveam delapsis. Varro apud Nonnum, veniebant ad …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • trasmissibile — /trazmi s:ibile/ agg. [dal fr. transmissible, der. del lat. transmissus trasmesso ]. 1. [che si può trasmettere, passare] ▶◀ propagabile, tramandabile, trasferibile, [di bene, diritto, ecc.] cedibile, [di malattia e sim.] contagioso.… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • trasmissione — /trazmi s:jone/ s.f. [dal lat. transmissio onis, der. di transmittĕre trasmettere , part. pass. transmissus ]. 1. a. [il trasmettere, il passare qualcosa da un soggetto, da un corpo, ecc., a un altro] ▶◀ passaggio, trasferimento, [di una malattia …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • transmissibel — trans|mis|si|bel <zu lat. transmissus, Part. Perf. von transmittere (vgl. ↑transmittieren), u. ↑...ibel> übertragbar …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • transmission — (n.) 1610s, conveyance from one place to another, from L. transmissionem (nom. transmissio) a sending over or across, passage, from transmissus, pp. of transmittere send over or across (see TRANSMIT (Cf. transmit)). Meaning part of a motor… …   Etymology dictionary

  • transmissible — [trans mis′ə bəl, tranzmis′ə bəl] adj. [LL transmissibilis < L transmissus: see TRANSMISSION & IBLE] capable of being transmitted transmissibility n …   English World dictionary

  • transmission — [trans mish′ən, tranzmish′ən] n. [L transmissio < transmissus, pp. of transmittere] 1. a) a transmitting or being transmitted b) something transmitted 2. the part of a motor vehicle, machine, etc. that transmits power from the engine to the… …   English World dictionary

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