- tecum
tē-cum = cum te
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Tecum — Te cum, n. (Bot.) See {Tucum}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tecum — (a. Geogr.), so v.w. Illeris … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
tecum — s. m. Fibra têxtil, curta e muito fina, extraída da tecuma e de que se fazem redes e fios de pesca. ‣ Etimologia: tupi tu kum, espécie de palmeira … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
tecum — Tucum Tu cum, n. [So called by the Indians of Brazil.] A fine, strong fiber obtained from the young leaves of a Brazilian palm ({Astrocaryum vulgare}), used for cordage, bowstrings, etc.; also, the plant yielding this fiber. Called also {tecum},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tecum fiber — Tucum Tu cum, n. [So called by the Indians of Brazil.] A fine, strong fiber obtained from the young leaves of a Brazilian palm ({Astrocaryum vulgare}), used for cordage, bowstrings, etc.; also, the plant yielding this fiber. Called also {tecum},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tecum habita. — См. Знай, баба, свое кривое веретено … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Tecum habita et noris quam sit tibi curta suppellex. — См. Протягивай ножки по одежке … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Subpoena duces tecum — A subpoena duces tecum (or subpoena for production of evidence) is a court summons ordering a named party to appear before the court and produce documents or other tangible evidence for use at a hearing or trial. The summons is known by various… … Wikipedia
duces tecum — bring with you , a form of subpoena. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001. duces tecum n. Latin T … Law dictionary
subpoena duces tecum — subpoena du·ces te·cum / dü səs tē kəm, dyü , sēz ; dü kes tā ˌku̇m/ n [New Latin, under penalty you shall bring with you]: a subpoena that commands the production of specified evidence in a person s possession ◇ Unlike a search warrant, a… … Law dictionary
subpena duces tecum — A type of subpena, usually issued at the request of a party, by which a court orders a witness to produce certain documents at a deposition or trial. Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill,… … Law dictionary