- suffrago
I suffrāgo, inis f.
1) ляжка, лодыжка (у животного) Col, PM2) отпрыск, побег (виноградной лозы) ColII suffrāgo, —, —, āreсовершаться, делаться (s. et prosperare Vlg)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Suffrago — Suf*fra go, n. [L., the hock, from sub under + frangere to break.] (Zo[ o]l.) The heel joint. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
suffrago — səˈfrā(ˌ)gō noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin suffragin , suffrago, from Latin, probably from sub + frangere to break more at break 1. : the hock of a horse 2. : the tarsal joint of a bird … Useful english dictionary
suffrago — suf·fra·go … English syllables
escuyer — Escuyer, m. acut. Est le plus bas et premier degre de noblesse, et par ce que les Notaires en France donnent ce tiltre d Escuyer à tout gentil homme n ayant tiltre plus signalé que d un Seigneur Chastelain, on le rend Scutifer, comme portant Escu … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Suffraginous — Suf*frag i*nous, a. [L. suffraginosus diseased in the hock, fr. suffrago the pastern, or hock.] Of or pertaining to the hock of a beast. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Suffrage — (from the Latin suffragium , meaning voting tablet , and figuratively right to vote ; probably from suffrago hough , and originally a term for the pastern bone used to cast votes) is the civil right to vote, or the exercise of that right. In that … Wikipedia
Purgatorial society — Purgatorial societies are Roman Catholic Church associations or confraternities which aim to assist souls in purgatory reach heaven. The Catholic doctrine concerning purgatory, the condition of the poor souls after death (particular judgment),… … Wikipedia
Purgatorial Societies — • Pious associations or confraternities in the Catholic Church, which have as their purpose to assist in every possible way the poor souls in purgatory. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Purgatorial Societies Purg … Catholic encyclopedia
suffragare — {{hw}}{{suffragare}}{{/hw}}v. tr. (io suffrago , tu suffraghi ) 1 (lett.) Aiutare, favorire, giovare: valide ragioni suffragano la nostra tesi. 2 Raccomandare con preghiera a Dio l anima dei morti … Enciclopedia di italiano
suffragare — v. tr. [dal lat. suffragare, class. suffragari favorire, sostenere ] (io suffrago, tu suffraghi, ecc.). 1. a. (non com.) [apportare giovamento] ▶◀ aiutare, favorire, (non com.) giovare. ◀▶ danneggiare, sfavorire. b. (lett.) [rendere credibile con … Enciclopedia Italiana
Bruch — Bruch1 Sm Gebrochenes std. (9. Jh.), mhd. bruch, ahd. bruh, as. bruki Stammwort. Aus wg. * bruki m. Bruch , auch in ae. bryce, afr. breke zu g. * brek a brechen (brechen). Die Einzelbedeutungen sind durchsichtig; zu beachten ist Bruch(zahl), das… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache