- rationabilis
ratiōnābilis, e1) одарённый разумом, разумный (natura Sen; anima Ap)2) разумный, основанный на разуме (sententia Dig)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
rationabilis — Reasonable: rational … Ballentine's law dictionary
dos rationabilis — /dows rseshaneybalas/ A reasonable marriage portion. A reasonable part of her husband s estate, to which every widow is entitled, of lands of which her husband may have endowed her on the day of marriage. Dower, at common law. 2 Bl.Comm. 134. Dos … Black's law dictionary
dos rationabilis — /dows rseshaneybalas/ A reasonable marriage portion. A reasonable part of her husband s estate, to which every widow is entitled, of lands of which her husband may have endowed her on the day of marriage. Dower, at common law. 2 Bl.Comm. 134. Dos … Black's law dictionary
dos rationabilis — Reasonable or legitimate dower. If no specific dotation was made at the church porch, at the time of the marriage, the common law endowed the wife of a third part of such lands and tenements as the husband was wised at the time of the marriage,… … Ballentine's law dictionary
causa vaga et incerta non est causa rationabilis — /koza veyga et insarta non est koza r?esh(iy)aneybalas/ A vague and uncertain cause is not a reasonable cause … Black's law dictionary
causa vaga et incerta non est causa rationabilis — /koza veyga et insarta non est koza r?esh(iy)aneybalas/ A vague and uncertain cause is not a reasonable cause … Black's law dictionary
pars rationabilis — /parz raeshaneybalas/ That part of a man s goods which the law gave to his widow and children … Black's law dictionary
quam longum debet esse rationabile tempus non definitur in lege, sed pendet ex discretione justicia quam rationabilis debetiorum?? — /kwaem loggam debat esiy raeshaneybaliy tempas non dafinatar in liyjiy, sed pendat eks daskreshiyowniy jastishiyeriyoram/ How long reasonable time ought to be is not defined by law, but depends upon the discretion of the judges … Black's law dictionary
quam rationabilis debet esse finis, non definitur, sed omnibus circumstantiis inspectis pendet ex justiciariorum discretione — /kwaem raeshaneybalas debat esiy faynas, non dafinatar, set omnabas sarkamstaenshiyas inspektas pendat eks jastishiyeriyoram daskreshiyowniy/ What a reasonable fine ought to be is not defined, but is left to the discretion of the judges, all the… … Black's law dictionary
Causa vaga et incerta non est causa rationabilis — A vague and uncertain cause is not a reasonable one … Ballentine's law dictionary
Dos rationabilis vel legitima est cujuslibet mulieris de quocunque tenemento tertia pars omnium terrarum et tenementorum, quae vir suns tenuit in dominio suo ut de feodo — Reasonable or legitimate dower is for every woman a third part of all the lands and tenements which her husband held in his demesne as of fee … Ballentine's law dictionary