- praecursorius
- praecursōrius, a, um [ praecursus ]предшествующий, служащий предвестником, предварительный (epistula PJ; index Amm)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Precursory — Pre*cur so*ry, a. [L. praecursorius.] Preceding as a precursor or harbinger; indicating something to follow; as, precursory symptoms of a fever. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
precursory — /pri kerr seuh ree/, adj. 1. of the nature of a precursor; preliminary; introductory: precursory remarks. 2. indicative of something to follow: precursory indications of disease. Also, precursive /pri kerr siv/. [1590 1600; < L praecursorius. See … Universalium
präkursorisch — prä|kur|so|risch <aus lat. praecursorius »vorauseilend«> (veraltet) vorläufig, einleitend … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
precursory — /ˌpriˈkɜsəri/ (say .pree kersuhree) adjective 1. of the nature of a precursor; introductory. 2. indicative of something to follow. Also, precursive /priˈkɜsɪv/ (say pree kersiv). {Latin praecursōrius} …
precursory — [prē kʉr′sə rē] adj. [L praecursorius] 1. serving as a precursor, or harbinger; indicating something to follow 2. introductory; preliminary … English World dictionary
precursory — adj. (also precursive) 1 preliminary, introductory. 2 (foll. by of) serving as a harbinger of. Etymology: L praecursorius (as PRECURSOR) … Useful english dictionary