Pharnaces — is the name of two kings of Pontus: *Pharnaces I of Pontus, first important ruler of the kingdom *Pharnaces II of Pontus, famous for having made an unfortunate attempt to reconquer Pontus, crushed by Julius Caesar. He was the son of the famous… … Wikipedia
Pharnaces — Pharnăces (grch. Pharnakes), Könige von Pontus. P. I. regierte Anfang des 2. Jahrh. v. Chr. – P. II., Sohn Mithridates d. Gr., empörte sich 63 v. Chr. gegen seinen Vater, suchte 48 dessen Reich wiederherzustellen, ward von Cäsar bei Zela 47… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Pharnaces I. — Pharnaces I., Sohn des pontischen Königs Mithridates IV., 184–157 v. Chr., ein gewaltthätiger, kriegerischer u. scharfblickender Fürst, mußte den Römern nachgeben, als diese den Eumenes von Pergamus, den Prusias von Bithynien u. den Ariarathes… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
PHARNACES — I. PHARNACES Mithridatis, Ponti Regis fil. seditione exercitus contra Patrem excitatâ, illum eo angustiarum redegit, ut sibi ipsi necem conscisceret. Dein, quum, ut ait Florus, l. 4. c. 2. magis discordiae civilis inter Pompeium et Caesarem… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Pharnaces II of Pontus — Pharnaces II (in Greek Φαρνάκης, died 47 BC) was the son of the great Mithridates VI of Pontus, a famed enemy of the Roman Republic. CoupHe was raised as his father s successor and treated with distinction. However, we know little of his youth… … Wikipedia
Pharnaces I of Pontus — Pharnaces I (in Greek Φαρνάκης; lived 2nd century BC), fifth king of Pontus, was the son of Mithridates III, who he succeeded on the throne.rf|1|just 38.5 6. The date of his accession cannot be fixed with certainty; but it is certain, at least,… … Wikipedia
Nysa (wife of Pharnaces I of Pontus) — Nysa or Nyssa (Greek: Νύσ(σ)α, flourished 2nd century BC) was a Greek Seleucid Princess and a Queen of the Kingdom of Pontus. Nysa was of Greek Macedonian and Persian descent. She was the child born to the Seleucid Prince Antiochus and Seleucid… … Wikipedia
PARNACES — Pharnaces … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
ФАРНАК — • Pharnăces, Φαρνάκης, 1. Pharn. I, царь босфорского царства у Понта Евксинского (вступил на престол в 184 г. до Р. X.), завоевал в 183 г. город Синоп, затем вел войну против союзных с Римом царей, Эвмена Пергамского, Ариарафа… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Battle of Nicopolis (48 BC) — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Zela caption= partof= Caesar s civil war date=48 BC place=Nicopolis result=Pontian victory combatant1=Caesar s forces combatant2=Pharnacean forces commander1=Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus… … Wikipedia
Caesar's civil war — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Caesar s Civil War partof=Roman Republican civil wars caption=Busts of Julius Caesar and Pompey, the protagonists in this war. date=January 10, 49 BC March 17, 45 BCCaesar s crossing of the Rubicon to the Battle … Wikipedia