- Pharnabazus
Pharnabāzus, ī m.Фарнабаз, сын Фарнака, сатрап при Дарии Ноте и Артаксерксе, сторонник спартанцев во время Пелопоннесской войны Nep, Just
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Pharnabazus — was a Persian soldier and statesman. He was the son of Pharnaces, son of Pharnabazus, son of Artabazus; his male ancestors had governed the satrapy of Phrygia on the Hellespont from its headquarters at Dascylium since 478 BC. According to a… … Wikipedia
Pharnabazus — Pharnabāzus, pers. Satrap des hellespontischen Phrygiens, unterstützte seit 412 v. Chr. die Spartaner und ließ 403 Alcibiades töten, befehligte 394 neben Konon in der Seeschlacht bei Knidos … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Pharnabazus — Pharnabazus, pers. Satrap von Bithynien unter den Königen Darius II. u. Artaxerxes II., der zuerst gegen Athen, nach dessen Demüthigung gegen Sparta die Interessen der pers. Politik sehr gewandt zu vertreten wußte … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Pharnabazus — ▪ Persian statesman flourished late 5th and early 4th centuries BC Persian soldier and statesman who was the hereditary satrap (provincial governor) of Dascylium under Darius II and Artaxerxes II. Pharnabazus was an outstanding military and … Universalium
Pharnabazus of Phrygia — Pharnabazus (in Greek Φαρνάβαζος; lived 4th century BC) was a Persian general, son of Artabazus. He joined his father exile at the Macedonian court in the years 353 ndash;343 BC. He returned in Persia when his father made peace with the king… … Wikipedia
PHARNABAZUS Cretensis — Pharnabazi filius, olim Darii et postea Artaxerxis satrapes. Movit Atheniensibus bellum, Lacedaemoniis vero suppetias tulit. Dein Aegyptum in gressus per Nili ostium re infectâ reversus est. Alcibiadem interfecit, etc. Vide Cornel. Nepotem… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
PHARNABAZUS Persa — a Dario ultimo, in locum Memnonis substitutus Curt. l. 3. c. 8. Vinctus Amphotero et Egilocho traditus, proditâ Chio l. 4. c. 5 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Pharnabazus — see Nectanebo I. Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Rosalie and Antony E. David … Ancient Egypt
ФАРНАБАЗ — • Pharnabāzus, Φαρνάβαξοσ, персидский сатрап, управлявший северо западной частью Малой Азии (сатрапия Δασκυλι̃τις), с 413 г. помогал спартанцам (Thuc. 8, 6 слл. 39. 80), но уже в 410 г. заключил отдельный мир с Алкивиадом. Plut. Alc.… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Corinthian War — Part of the Spartan hegemony Hoplites in combat … Wikipedia
Ariobarzan — also spelled as Ario Barzan or Aryo Barzan, perhaps signifying exalting the Aryans [cite encyclopedia |last= Shahbazi |first=A. Sh. | title=ARIOBARZANES | encyclopedia=Encyclopedia Iranica | accessdate=2008 03… … Wikipedia