- appellatorius
- appellātōrius, a, umапелляционный (libelli, tempora Dig)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Appellation — (v. lat. Appellatio, Berufung, Provocation), I. ein ordentliches suspensives u. devolutives Rechtsmittel zum Schutze dessen, welcher sich durch eine obrigkeitliche Entschließung (Bescheid, Resolution od. Handlung) in seinen Rechten für verletzt… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Appellatory — Ap*pel la*tory, a. [L. appellatorius, fr. appellare.] Containing an appeal. [1913 Webster] An appellatory libel ought to contain the name of the party appellant. Ayliffe. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
libellus — /bbebs/ In the civil law, a little Feudal law. An instrument of alienation or conveyance, as of a fief, or a part of it @ libellus supplex A petition, especially to the emperor, all petitions to whom must be in writing. @ libellum rescribere to… … Black's law dictionary
libellus — /bbebs/ In the civil law, a little Feudal law. An instrument of alienation or conveyance, as of a fief, or a part of it @ libellus supplex A petition, especially to the emperor, all petitions to whom must be in writing. @ libellum rescribere to… … Black's law dictionary