- appellator
appellātor, ōris m. [ appello I \]взывающий о помощи, просящий о пересмотре, податель апелляционной жалобы C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
appellator — index appellant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
appellator — /aepaleytar/ An old law term having the same meaning as appellant (q.v.). In the civil law, the term was applied to the judge ad quern, or to whom an appeal was taken … Black's law dictionary
appellator — /aepaleytar/ An old law term having the same meaning as appellant (q.v.). In the civil law, the term was applied to the judge ad quern, or to whom an appeal was taken … Black's law dictionary
appellator — Same as appellant … Ballentine's law dictionary
appeler — aucun, Accire, Arcessere, Ciere, Citare, Clamare, Euocare, Excire, Nominare, Vocare, Clamore aliquem flagitare, Et appeler aucun, c est le semondre au combat, Il l a appelé, Denuntiauit illi duellum, ad duellandum vocare, prouocare ex Liuio, lib … Thresor de la langue françoyse
poursuivant — Poursuivant, acut. Ores est gerondif, comme, Poursuivant cela j ay augmenté mon bien, Id negotij sedulo agendo (persequendo) amplificaui rem meam. Aucuns conformément au Latin l escrivent par d. Poursuivand. Et ores est nom adjectif, m. gen.… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Appellor — Ap pel*lor ([a^]p p[e^]l*l[^o]r ), n. [OF. apeleur, fr. L. appellator, fr. appellare.] (Law) (a) The person who institutes an appeal, or prosecutes another for a crime. Blackstone. (b) One who confesses a felony committed and accuses his… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
appellor — /euh pel awr, ap euh lawr /, n. Brit. Law. 1. a person who prosecutes in an appellate proceeding. 2. Obs. a person who accuses another in a criminal appeal. [1400 50; late ME apelour < AF, OF apeleor < L appellator appellant. See APPELLATE, TOR]… … Universalium
appellant — ap·pel·lant /ə pe lənt/ n: a person or party who appeals a court s judgment compare appellee Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. ap … Law dictionary
desertion — de cause, Eremodicium. Desertion acquise, Eremodicium commissum. B. L appelant est tombé en desertion, Appellator appellatione cecidit, et tempore exclusus est. B. Pourveu que l appelant ne soit adjourné en desertion d appel, Nisi prouocatus… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
appellor — |apə|lȯ(ə)r, əˈpelər noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English appellour, apellour, from Anglo French apelour, from Latin appellator appellant, from appellatus (past participle of appellare to address, appeal to) + or more at appeal : appellant 1a … Useful english dictionary