- pensus
1. pēnsus, a, um
part. pf. к pendo2. adj.важныйnihil pensi habeo Sl, Su или duco VM, тж. mihi non pensi est Sl — мне это безразлично, для меня это неважно
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Syrphetodes pensus — Syrphetodes pensus Clasificación científica Reino … Wikipedia Español
poise — I. verb (poised; poising) Etymology: Middle English, to weigh, ponder, from Anglo French peiser, poiser, from Latin pensare more at pensive Date: 1598 transitive verb 1. a. balance; especially to hold or carry in equilibrium … New Collegiate Dictionary
Сильваниды — ? Сильваниды … Википедия
pensive — pensively, adv. pensiveness, n. /pen siv/, adj. 1. dreamily or wistfully thoughtful: a pensive mood. 2. expressing or revealing thoughtfulness, usually marked by some sadness: a pensive adagio. [1325 75; < F (fem.); r. ME pensif < MF (masc.),… … Universalium
peso — /pay soh/; Sp. /pe saw/, n., pl. pesos / sohz/; Sp. / saws/. 1. a coin and monetary unit of Chile, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Guinea Bissau, Mexico, and the Philippines, equal to 100 centavos. 2. a coin and monetary unit of Uruguay,… … Universalium
prepense — /pri pens /, adj. planned or intended in advance; premeditated. [1695 1705; PRE + pense < L pensus, ptp. of pendere to weigh, consider; see PENSIVE] * * * … Universalium
suspense — suspenseful, adj. /seuh spens /, n. 1. a state or condition of mental uncertainty or excitement, as in awaiting a decision or outcome, usually accompanied by a degree of apprehension or anxiety. 2. a state of mental indecision. 3. undecided or… … Universalium
suspension — 1. A temporary interruption of any function. 2. A hanging from a support, as used in the treatment of spinal curvatures or during the application of a plaster jacket. 3. Fixation of an organ, such as the uterus, to other tissue for … Medical dictionary
Silvanidae — Silvanidae Silvanus unidentatus … Wikipedia Español
Список видов златок рода Agrilus — Приложение к статье Agrilus В роде Agrilus около 3000 видов. Список видов Agrilus abantiades Descarpentries Villiers, 1963 Agrilus abditus Horn, 1891 Agrilus abdominalis Saunders, 1874 Agrilus abductus Horn, 1891 Agrilus abeillei (Théry, 1905)… … Википедия
pension — mid 14c., payment for services, especially reward, payment out of a benefice (early 14c., in Anglo L.), from O.Fr. pension payment, rent, from L. pensionem (nom. pensio) payment, rent, from pensus, pp. of pendere pay, weigh (see PENDANT (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary