- oenomeli
litos n. (греч.)вино с мёдом Dig
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
oenomel — noun wine mixed with honey • Hypernyms: ↑beverage, ↑drink, ↑drinkable, ↑potable • Substance Meronyms: ↑honey * * * ˈēnəˌmel noun ( s) … Useful english dictionary
oenomel — /ee neuh mel , en euh /, n. 1. a drink made of wine mixed with honey. 2. something combining strength with sweetness. [1565 75; < LL oenomeli < Gk oinómeli, equiv. to oîno(s) WINE + méli honey] * * * … Universalium
CONDITUM — apud Lamprid. in Heliogab. c. 21. Conditô piscinas et solia temperavit, vini seu potionis genus est, aromatibus et aliis odoriferis fragrantibusque rebus variis concinnatum, Car. du Fresen. Casaubono vox haec modo latius patet, et rosatum,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
enomele — e·no·mè·le s.f. OB sciroppo di miele e vino {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: ca. 1550. ETIMO: dal lat. oenŏmĕli, dal gr. oinómeli, comp. di oino eno e meli 1 mele … Dizionario italiano
oenomel — [ē′nə mel΄, en′əmel΄] n. [LL oenomeli < Gr oinomeli < oinos, wine (see VINE) + meli, honey: see MEL] a beverage of wine and honey, drunk by the ancient Greeks … English World dictionary
oe|no|mel — «EE nuh mehl, EHN uh », noun. 1. a drink made of wine and honey, drunk by the ancient Greeks. 2. Figurative. language or thought combining strength and sweetness. ╂[< Late Latin oenomelum, variant of Latin oenomeli < Greek oinómeli <… … Useful english dictionary