- Oenomaus
Oenomāus, ī m.Эномай, миф. сын Марса, царь Писы (Элида), отец Гипподамии, родоначальник Атридов C, St
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Oenomaus — For other uses of Oenomaus , see Oenomaus (disambiguation). King Oenomaus, Hippodamia, and Olympian gods. Illustration from an ancient vase. In Greek mythology, King Oenomaus (or Oinomaos, Oenamaus) of Pisa,[1] th … Wikipedia
Oenomaus — Oinomaos (griechisch Οἰνόμαος, lateinisch Oenomaus) war der Name folgender Personen in der Antike: mythischer König von Elis, siehe Oinomaos; kynischer Philosoph des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr., siehe Oinomaos von Gadara; Anführer im Dritten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
OENOMAUS — I. OENOMAUS Cynicus Gadarensis, Porphyriô paulo superior. Scripsit περὶ τῆς καθ᾿ Ὅμηρον φιλοσοφίας, teste Suida, in Οἰνόμαος. Item περὶ Κυνισμοῦ, περὶ Κράτητος, καὶ Διογένους, καὶ τῶ λοιπῶν. teste eôdem Suidâ, ubi supra. Meminit eius Theodoretus… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Oenomaus (disambiguation) — Oenomaus may refer to: Oenomaus, a king of Pisa in Greek mythology Oenomaus (butterfly), a gossamer winged butterfly genus Oenomaus (rebel slave), (c. 72 BC) a leader in the slave rebellion of Spartacus Oenomaus of Gadara, (2nd century AD) Cynic… … Wikipedia
Oenomaus (butterfly) — Oenomaus Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta … Wikipedia
OENOMAUS OF GADARA° — OENOMAUS OF GADARA°, pagan philosopher of the school of younger Cynics, who lived during the reign of Hadrian (117–38). He composed a number of works, only little of which has survived. His most famous Γοήτων θώρα (Kata Chresterion), fragments of … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Oenomaus (Sklavenführer) — Oenomaus, auch Oinomaos, († 73/72 v. Chr.) war neben Spartacus und Crixus wichtigster Sklavenführer in der frühen Phase des Dritten Sklavenkrieges (Spartacus Aufstand) von 73 bis 71 v. Chr. Er war vermutlich entweder Gallier oder Germane… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Oenomaus of Gadara — For other people named Oenomaus, see Oenomaus (disambiguation). Oenomaus (or Oinomaus, Greek: Οἱνόμαος; 2nd century) of Gadara, was a Pagan[1] Cynic philosopher. He is known principally for the long extracts of a work attacking oracles, which… … Wikipedia
Oenomaus (rebel slave) — For the king in Greek mythology, see Oenomaus. Oenomaus was a gladiator from Gaul,[1] who escaped from the gladiatorial school of Lentulus Batiatus in Capua. Together with the Thracian Spartacus and a fellow Gaul, Crixus, he became one of the… … Wikipedia
Oenomaus — Œnomaos Dans la mythologie grecque, Œnomaos, fils d Arès et de la Pléiade Astérope (ou d Harpine selon les auteurs), est roi de Pise en Élide. Il avait décidé d accorder la main de sa fille Hippodamie à quiconque serait capable de le battre dans… … Wikipédia en Français
Papilio oenomaus — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Division … Wikipedia