- Nycteis
- Nyctēis, idis и idos f.дочь Никтея, т. е. Antiopa Prp, O, St
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Nycteis — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta … Wikipedia
Nyctéïs — NYCTÉÏS, idis, Gr. Νυκτηΐς, ίδος, (⇒ Tab. XXII.) des Nykteus Tochter, welche nachher Polydorus, König zu Theben, zur Gemahlinn nahm, und mit ihr den Labdakus zeugete. Apollod. l. III. c. 5. §. 5 … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Nyctéis — Pour les lépidoptères, voir Chlosyne et Apatura. Dans la mythologie grecque, Nyctéis Νυκτηίς / Nuktêís) est la fille de Nyctée. Elle épouse Polydore après que celui ci est monté sur le trône de Thèbes et lui donne un fils nommé Labdacos.… … Wikipédia en Français
Chlosyne nycteis — Silvery Checkerspot Dorsal view Underside … Wikipedia
Columbellopsis nycteis — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class … Wikipedia
Damier argenté — Damier argenté … Wikipédia en Français
Chlosyne — Ch … Wikipédia en Français
Nycteus — In Greek mythology, Nycteus (Greek: Νυκτεύς) was a king of Thebes. His rule began after the death of Polydorus, and ended when he was succeeded by his brother Lycus. Contents 1 Genealogy 2 Regency of Thebes 3 References … Wikipedia
Columbellopsis — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Gastrop … Wikipedia
Polydorus — In Greek mythology, Polydorus referred to several different people.#An Argive, son of Hippomedon. Pausanias lists him as one of the Epigoni, who attacked Thebes in retaliation for the deaths of their fathers, the Seven Against Thebes, who died… … Wikipedia
Labdacus — In Greek mythology, Labdacus (Λάβδακος) was the only son of Polydorus and a king of Thebes. Labdacus was a grandson of Thebes founder, Cadmus. His mother was Nycteis, daughter of Nycteus. Polydorus died while Labdacus was a young child, leaving… … Wikipedia