- nyctalops
nyctalōps, ōpis adj. (греч.)страдающий никталопией, т. е. плохо видящий днём, но лучше в сумерки PM, Dig
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Nyctalops — Nyc ta*lops, n. [L., from Gr. nykta lwps.] One afflicted with nyctalopia. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nyctalops — nycˈtalops / lops/ noun (pl nyctalōˈpes) A person with nyctalopia • • • Main Entry: ↑nyctalopia … Useful english dictionary
T. E. D. Klein — Theodore Eibon Donald Klein (born July 15, 1947) is an American horror writer and editor. Klein has published very few works, but they have all achieved positive notice for their meticulous construction and subtle use of horror: critic S. T.… … Wikipedia
nyctalope — [ niktalɔp ] n. • 1562; lat. nyctilope 1538; noctilupa v. 1370; gr. nyctalops, de nux, nuktos « nuit » et ôps « vue » ♦ Méd. Personne susceptible de distinguer les objets sous une faible lumière ou pendant la nuit. Adj. La chouette, le hibou,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nyctalopia — Nyc ta*lo pi*a (n[i^]k t[.a]*l[=o] p[i^]*[.a]), n. [L. nyctalopia, fr. nyctalops a nyctalops, Gr. nykta lwps. Gr. nykta lwps meant, a person affected either with day blindness or with night blindness, and in the former case was derived fr. ny x,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
“Outsider, The“ — Short story (2,620 words); probably written in spring or summer 1921. First published in WT(April 1926); rpt. WT(June–July 1931); first collected in O;corrected text in DH;annotated version in CC A mysterious individual has spent his entire… … An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia
nyctalopia — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Latin nyctalops suffering from night blindness, from Greek nyktalops, from nykt , nyx night + alaos blind + ōp , ōps eye more at night, eye Date: 1684 night blindness … New Collegiate Dictionary
Clark Ashton Smith — Not to be confused with Clark S. Smith. Clark Ashton Smith Smith in 1912 Born 13 January 1893(1893 01 13) Long Valley, California, U.S … Wikipedia
Songs of a Dead Dreamer — is a 1986 short story collection by horror fiction writer Thomas Ligotti; DJ Spooky borrowed the title for his first full length record.The first edition of Ligotti s book was produced in paperback by Silver Scarab Press, limited to 300 copies.… … Wikipedia
Donald Sidney-Fryer — is a poet and entertainer born September 8, 1934, in New Bedford, Massachusetts. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps, and moved to California, where he attended university, and met Clark Ashton Smith several times. In 1969, he married Gloria… … Wikipedia
Cthulhu Mythos reference codes and bibliography — The following Cthulhu Mythos reference codes and bibliography is for use with the tables included in the articles Cthulhu Mythos deities, Elements of the Cthulhu Mythos, Cthulhu Mythos arcane literature, Cthulhu Mythos biographies, Cthulhu Mythos … Wikipedia