Смотреть что такое "nugas" в других словарях:
Nugas — Original name in latin Nugas Name in other language Nugas State code PH Continent/City Asia/Manila longitude 9.6968 latitude 123.4415 altitude 688 Population 2844 Date 2012 01 17 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Magno jam conatu magnas nugas. — См. Много шуму мало проку. Magno jam conatu magnas nugas. См. Стрелять из пушки по воробьям … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Magnu conatu, magnas nugas — es una locución latina que significa “Con gran esfuerzo, grandes bagatelas”. El poeta Terencio aplicó esta frase a los que emplean mucho trabajo y dedican mucho tiempo en cosas de poca importancia. Referencias El contenido de este artículo… … Wikipedia Español
National Union of Greek Australian Students — infobox generic name = National Union of Greek Australian Students sub0 = Ένωση Ελληνο Αυστραλών Φοιτητών img1 = nugaslogo.jpg width1 = 100px cap1 = National Union of Greek Australian Students (NUGAS) lbl1 = Headquarters: row1 = Melbourne,… … Wikipedia
Magnu conatu — Magnu conatu, magnas nugas Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Magnu conatu, magnas nugas es una locución latina que significa “Con gran esfuerzo, grandes bagatelas”. El poeta Terencio aplicó esta frase a los que emplean mucho trabajo y dedican mucho… … Wikipedia Español
Liste de locutions latines — Cet article contient une liste de locutions latines présentée par ordre alphabétique. Pour des explications morphologiques et linguistiques générales, consulter l article : Expression latine. Sommaire A B … … Wikipédia en Français
NUGIVENDI — Latinis dicti, qui nugas vendebant, quô nomine res omnes mundi muliebris indigitare solebant. Vide supra Iocula. Sic unguenta, nugas peregrinas vocat Martial. l. 3. Epigr. 55. v. 3. Nolo peregrinis placeat tibi, Gellia, nugis. Scis, puto, posse… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Corella, Bohol — Corella Municipality Map of Bohol showing the location of Corella … Wikipedia
jaser — Jaser, Fabulari, Nugari, Garrire, Nugas dicere. Ne jase point, Aufer nugas. Tu te jases, mocques, ou gaudis, Facis delicias … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Satires of Juvenal — [ Frontispiece depicting Juvenal and Persius, from a volume translated by John Dryden in 1711.] The Satires are a collection of satirical poems by the Latin author Juvenal written in the late 1st and early 2nd centuries CE.Juvenal is credited… … Wikipedia
John Pandazopoulos — (born 21 July 1963) is a Victorian politician. He is a Member of the Legislative Assembly, representing the electorate of Dandenong for the Australian Labor Party. During the Bracks Government, he was a member of Cabinet, serving as Minister for… … Wikipedia