- mutuum
mūtuum, ī n. [ mutuus ]взаимность, обоюдностьm. dare Dig — давать в долгmutui datio Dig — ссудаmutua Lcr и per mutua V — взаимно, между собойm. facere Pl — воздать равным (за равное)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
mutuum — mu·tu·um / myü chu̇ wəm/ n [Latin, from neuter of mutuus borrowed, lent]: loan for consumption at loan Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Mutŭum — (lat.), Darlehn … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Mutŭum — (lat.), Darlehen (s. d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Mutuum — Mutuum, lat, Darlehen; m. adjutorium, gegenseitige Hilfe … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Mutuum — Das mutuum (lat., Darlehen) war ein Vertrag des römischen Rechts zur Übereignung einer Geldsumme. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Beschreibung 2 Herkunft und Entwicklung 3 Dogmatik 3.1 Realkontrakt … Deutsch Wikipedia
mutuum — noun a) a loan in Roman and civil law of fungible things to be restored in similar property of the same quantity and quality b) a contract in which movables are so loaned … Wiktionary
Mutuum — Droit civil: contrat en vertu duquel une personne dite le prêteur remet à une autre dénommée l emprunteur une chose fongible et consommable à charge pour elle d en restituer une semblable ; appelé aussi prêt de consommation … Lexique de Termes Juridiques
mutuum — mu·tu·um … English syllables
mutuum — /myuwtyuwsm/ A loan for consumption; a loan of chattels, upon an agreement that the borrower may consume them, returning to the lender an equivalent in kind and quantity; as, a loan of corn, wine, or money which is to be used or consumed, and is… … Black's law dictionary
mutuum — /myuwtyuwsm/ A loan for consumption; a loan of chattels, upon an agreement that the borrower may consume them, returning to the lender an equivalent in kind and quantity; as, a loan of corn, wine, or money which is to be used or consumed, and is… … Black's law dictionary
mutuum — A relation known to the Roman or Continental law; a loan of a chattel for consumption or appropriation by the person receiving the article to his own use. 8 Am J2d Bailm § 37 … Ballentine's law dictionary