Смотреть что такое "Mutusca" в других словарях:
Trebula Mutusca — Trebula (Greek: polytonic|Τρήβουλα) or Trebula Mutusca or simply, e.g. in Virgil, Mutusca or Mutuscae, was an ancient city of the Sabines, one of two bearing the name Trebula ndash; Pliny being the only author who mentions both places: Trebulani… … Wikipedia
Trebula — was the name of three ancient towns in Italy. # Trebula Mutusca, an ancient Sabine town, modern Monteleone Sabino, Province of Rieti, Lazio. # Trebula Suffenas, an ancient Sabine town, location unknown # Trebula Balliensis, modern Treglia, in the … Wikipedia
Monteleone Sabino — Comune Comune di Monteleone Sabino … Wikipedia
Trebula Suffenas — Trebula (Greek: polytonic|Τρήβουλα) or Trebula Suffenas or Trebula Suffenes, was an ancient city of the Sabines, one of two bearing the name Trebula (the other being Trebula Mutusca) ndash; Pliny being the only author who mentions both places:… … Wikipedia
ТРЕБУЛА — • Trebŭla, Τρήβουλα, так назывались три города сабинян; 1. между Свессулою и Кавдием, в Кампании; н. Tregghia. Liv. 23, 39; 2. Tr. Mutusca, близ Реаты; 3. Tr. Suffena, местоположение ее неизвестно. Во многих… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Trebŭla — Trebŭla, 1) Ortschaft in Samnium, zwischen Suessula u. Caudium; beim j. Tregghia; 2) T. Mutusca, Ortschaft im Sabinerland bei Reate; j. wohl die Ruinen des Monte Leone bei der Osteria de Masacci; 3) T. Suffena, im Sabinerlande, vielleicht in der… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Tribŭla [2] — Tribŭla, so v.w. Trebula Mutusca … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Novensiles — Ancient Roman religion Marcus Aurelius (head covered) sacrificing at the Temple of Jupiter … Wikipedia
Molycria — Molycria … Wikipédia en Français
THORA — Campaniae oppid. Florus. l. 3. c. 20. Cuius vestigia ad Thoranum fluv. in Aprutio, et limite Sabinorum, e regione Castri veteris et Antimi, paulo supra castrum Colle piccolo, ubi S. Anatoliae celebre templum, in quo columnarum et inscriptionum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale