- monopolium
monopōlium, ī n. (греч.)право исключительной торговли (продажи), монополия PM, Su
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
MONOPOLIUM — non omnecum iure naturae pugnat, Possunt namque illa interdum a summa potestate permitti iusta de causa et pretiô constitutô: cuius rei illustre exemplum nobis praebet Iosephi historia, cum is vicc Regiâ Aegypto praeesset. Sic et sub Romanis… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
monopolium — /monapowKDyam/ The sole power, right, or privilege of sale; monopoly; a monopoly … Black's law dictionary
monopolium — /monapowKDyam/ The sole power, right, or privilege of sale; monopoly; a monopoly … Black's law dictionary
monopolium — Same as monopoly … Ballentine's law dictionary
commercium jure gentium commune ease debet, et non in monopolium et privatum prucorum quaestum convertendum — /kamars(hXi)yam juriy jensh(iy)am kamyuwniy esiy debat et non in monap6w(i)yam et praveytam pokoram kwestam konvartendsm/ Commerce, by the law of nations, ought to be common, and not converted to monopoly and the private gain of a few … Black's law dictionary
commercium jure gentium commune ease debet, et non in monopolium et privatum prucorum quaestum convertendum — /kamars(hXi)yam juriy jensh(iy)am kamyuwniy esiy debat et non in monap6w(i)yam et praveytam pokoram kwestam konvartendsm/ Commerce, by the law of nations, ought to be common, and not converted to monopoly and the private gain of a few … Black's law dictionary
Commercium jure gentium commune esse debet et non in monopolium et privatum paucorum quaestum convertendum — By the law of nations, commerce ought to be common and not converted into a monopoly and the private profit of a few persons … Ballentine's law dictionary
MONOPOLE — Malgré son origine savante, le terme «monopole» – qui signifie «vente exclusive d’une denrée faite soit par un seul homme, soit par une compagnie» (Condorcet) – est passé depuis plusieurs siècles dans le langage courant. Fort d’une tradition… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Monopol — Alleinstellung am Markt * * * Mo|no|pol [mono po:l], das; s, e: Recht auf alleinige Herstellung und alleinigen Verkauf eines Produkts: das Monopol beim Briefdienst; Monopol auf die Aufmerksamkeit der Öffentlichkeit. Syn.: ↑ Privileg, ↑ Vorrecht.… … Universal-Lexikon
List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and atomic particles — This list contains chemical elements, materials, isotopes or (sub)atomic particle that exist primarily in works of fiction (usually fantasy or science fiction). No actual periodic elements end in ite , though many minerals have names with this… … Wikipedia
monopoly — mo·nop·o·ly /mə nä pə lē/ n pl lies 1: exclusive control of a particular market that is marked by the power to control prices and exclude competition and that esp. is developed willfully rather than as the result of superior products or skill see … Law dictionary