
a, um (греч.)
одноногий Lampr

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "monopodius" в других словарях:

  • monopode — I. ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at mono +ˌpōd noun Etymology: Late Latin monopodius 1. : a one footed creature; specifically : a fabulous one footed Ethiopian that uses his foot as a sunshade 2. [New Latin …   Useful english dictionary

  • monopode — /mon euh pohd /, adj. 1. having one foot. n. 2. a creature having one foot. 3. (sometimes cap.) one of a fabled race of people having only one foot. 4. Bot. monopodium. [1810 20; < LL monopodius one footed, equiv. to monopod ( < Gk; see MONO ,… …   Universalium

  • monopode — (mo no po d ) 1°   Adj. Terme de zoologie. Qui n a qu un seul pied. 2°   S. m. Terme d antiquité. Table à un seul pied. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Lat. monopodius, qui n a qu un pied, monopodium, table à un pied ; en grec, le terme est dérivé de deux mots… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • monopode — mon•o•pode [[t]ˈmɒn əˌpoʊd[/t]] adj. 1) having one foot 2) zool. a creature having one foot 3) (sometimes cap.) one of a fabled race of people having only one foot • Etymology: 1810–20; < LL monopodius one footed < Gk monopod , s.… …   From formal English to slang

  • mon|o|pode — «MON uh pohd», adjective, noun. –adj. having only one foot. –n. 1. a creature having only one foot or footlike organ. 2. = monopodium. (Cf. ↑monopodium) ╂[< Late Latin monopodius with one foot < Greek monópous < mónos single + poús,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mon|o|po|di|um — «MON uh POH dee uhm», noun, plural di|a « dee uh». Botany. a single main axis which continues to extend at the apex in the original line of growth, producing lateral branches beneath, such as the trunk of a pine tree. ╂[< New Latin monopodium …   Useful english dictionary

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