Miletus — • A titular see of Asia Minor, suffragan of Aphrodisias, in Caria Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Miletus Miletus † … Catholic encyclopedia
MILETUS — MILETUS, city in Asia Minor captured by Alexander the Great in 334 B.C.E. According to a document cited by Josephus (Ant. 14:244–6), the inhabitants of Miletus during the Roman period attacked the Jews, forbidding them to observe their Sabbaths,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Miletus — [mī lēt′əs] ancient city in Ionia, SW Asia Minor Milesian [milē′zhən] adj., n … English World dictionary
Miletus — This article is about the ancient city of Anatolia. For other uses, see Miletus (disambiguation). Miletus Μίλητος Ancient Polis Turkish transcription(s) – Modern name Milet … Wikipedia
Miletus — /muy lee teuhs/, n. 1. Class. Myth. a son of Apollo and Aria, and the founder of the city of Miletus. 2. an ancient city in Asia Minor, on the Aegean. * * * Ancient Greek city of western Anatolia. Before 500 BC it was the greatest Greek city in… … Universalium
Miletus — Milet 37° 31′ 50″ N 27° 16′ 45″ E / 37.530557, 27.279246 … Wikipédia en Français
Miletus — Milet (ionisch: Μίλητος Miletos, dorisch: Μίλατος Milatos, äolisch: Μίλλατος Millatos, lateinisch: Miletus, hethitisch Millawanda), auch Palatia (Mittelalter) und Balat (Neuzeit) genannt, war eine antike Stadt an der Westküste Kleinasiens, in der … Deutsch Wikipedia
MILETUS — I. MILETUS fil. Apollinis, et Argeae Cleochi filiae, vel ut Ovid. habet, Deiones, qui cum Minoa Cretensium regem iam senem regnô privare vellet, a Iove territus in Samum, deindein Cariam Asiae regionem fugit, ibique opidum condidit, quod de suo… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Miletus, S. — S. Miletus, Ep. Conf. (19. Sept.). Dieser hl. Bischof Miletus kommt auch unter der Bezeichnung Militus, Militis und Miletes vor. Er mag um s J. 470 als Bischof von Trier gestorben sein. Die Franken verwüsteten damals als Eroberer die ganze Gegend … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Miletus — (Miletum, 2 Tim. 4:20), a seaport town and the ancient capital of Ionia, about 36 miles south of Ephesus. On his voyage from Greece to Syria, Paul touched at this port, and delivered that noble and pathetic address to the elders ( presbyters,… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Miletus — n. destroyed ancient Greek city now in modern day Turkey; son of Apollo and Aria and the founder of the city of Miletus (Greek Mythology) … English contemporary dictionary