- Miletis
I Mīlētis, idis f. [ Miletus II \]
принадлежащий МилетуM. urbs O — TomiII Mīlētis, idis f.дочь Милета, т. е. Byblis O
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Military establishment of the Roman Empire — This article is part of the series on: Military of ancient Rome (portal) 753 BC – AD 476 Structural history Roman army (unit types and ranks … Wikipedia
Protoklissi — or Protokklisi (Greek, Modern: Πρωτοκκλήσι, Katharevoussa: ον on meaning the first church), older forms: o and on, also with the second o accented is a village in the northcentral part of the Evros Prefecture in Greece. Protoklissi is in the… … Wikipedia
Mega Dereio — Μέγα Δέρειο Location … Wikipedia
Yumiko Kobayashi — 小林 由美子 Nacimiento 18 de junio de 1979 (32 años) Chiba, Japón Ocupación Seiyū Año debut … Wikipedia Español