- ludicrum
- lūdicrum, ī n. [ ludicer ]1) игра, забава, шутка, шалость Ctl, H, PM2) (обычно pl.) театральное представление, зрелище, торжественные игры или состязания (l. celebrare L; l. Olympiorum L)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
HTML+TIME — (Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions) was the name of a W3C submission from Microsoft, Compaq/DEC and Macromedia that proposed an integration of SMIL semantics with HTML and CSS. The specifics of the integration were modified considerably by… … Wikipedia
Captivi — Infobox Play | name = Miles Gloriosus caption = Cover of 1965 Penguin Classics edition of Plautus Captivi and other plays writer = Plautus characters = Ergasilus Hegio Overseer Philocrates Tyndarus Aristophontes a page Philopolemus Stalagmus… … Wikipedia
List of Linyphiidae species I-P — This page lists all described species from I to P of the spider family Linyphiidae as of June 13, 2008.Ibadana Ibadana Locket Russell Smith, 1980 * Ibadana cuspidata Locket Russell Smith, 1980 Nigeria, CameroonIberoneta Iberoneta Deeleman… … Wikipedia
Biota of the Isle of Man — This is a list of the known wild biota of the Isle of Man. Non native species are marked *, extinct species are marked †. If this status is uncertain the species is also marked ?. Each listing follows the following format: English Name (where one … Wikipedia
ИГРЫ — • Ludi. I. Общественные. a) У греков (α̉γώνες), см. Olympia, Олимпия; Pythia, Пифия; Nemea, Немея; Isthmia, Истмии. b) У римлян (ludi). Публичные сценические и праздничные И., по своей главной цели благодарственные… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Locher — Locher, Jakob, genannt Philomusus, geb. 1470 (1471) zu Ehingen in Schwaben; lehrte Dichtkunst u. Rhetorik zu Freiburg im Breisgau, Basel u. Ingolstadt u. st. 1528 in letzter Stadt. Er übersetzte Sebastian Brandts Narrenschiff ins Lateinische u.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Peponocranium — Peponocranium … Wikipédia en Français
Alcidion — Научная классификация промежуточные ранги Домен: … Википедия
APINA vel APINAE — APINA, vel APINAE urbs Apuliae. Tricas autem et Apinas vulgo res futiles, et nugatorias dicunt. Martial. l. 14. Epigr. 1. v. 7. Sunt Apinae Tricaeque, et si quid vilius istis. Plin. l. 3. c. 11. Diomedes ibi delevit gentes Monadorum, Dardorumque … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ARGIVA — Iuno ab Argis ita cognominata, quô locô sacra eius celebrabantur. Virg. Aen. l. 3. v. 547. Iunoni Argivae sacros adolemus honores. Signum eius hôc modô describit Pausan. l. 2. Deae signum (inquit) in solio sedet, eximiâ magnitudine, aurô et ebore … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ATELLA — Campaniae oppid. a quo ludi Atellani, fuit enim in illo Amphitheatrum egregium. Steph. Iuvenal. Sat. 6. v. 71. Urbicus exodio risum movet Atellanae Gestibus Autonoes. Ad cuius versus explicationem mire faciunt haec Livii l. 7. c. 2. Postquam lege … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale