
ī m. (греч. ; лат. creticus) стих.
амфимакр (стопа— —) Q

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "amphimacrus" в других словарях:

  • amphimacer — /am fim euh seuhr/, n. Pros. a trisyllabic foot, the arrangement of the syllables of which is long, short, long in quantitative meter, or stressed, unstressed, stressed in accentual meter, as anodyne, an accentual amphimacer. [1580 90; < L… …   Universalium

  • anfímacro — (Del gr. amphimakros < amphi, ambos lados + makros, largo.) ► sustantivo masculino POESÍA Pie métrico formado por tres sílabas, una breve en el centro y dos largas, en la poesía griega y latina. * * * anfímacro (del lat. «amphimӑcrus», del gr …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Amphimazer —   [aus griechisch makrós »lang«] der, s/ , antike Metrik: der Kretikus. * * * Am|phi|ma|cer [...zer], Am|phi|ma|zer, der; s, [lat. amphimacrus < griech. amphímakros, eigtl. = beiderseits lang] (Verslehre): dreisilbiger Versfuß aus Länge, Kürze …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Amphimacer — Am|phi|ma|cer [...zer], Am|phi|ma|zer, der; s, [lat. amphimacrus < griech. amphímakros, eigtl. = beiderseits lang] (Verslehre): dreisilbiger Versfuß aus Länge, Kürze, Länge; Kretikus …   Universal-Lexikon

  • amfimacru — AMFIMÁCRU, amfimacri, s.m. Unitate ritmică formată din trei silabe, dintre care prima şi ultima sunt lungi, iar cea din mijloc scurtă. – Din fr. amphimacre. Trimis de ana zecheru, 30.07.2006. Sursa: DEX 98  amfimácru s. m. (sil. cru), art.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Amphimacer — Am|phi|ma|cer [...ts...], Am|phi|ma|zer der; s, <aus gleichbed. lat. amphimacrus, gr. amphímakros, eigtl. »beiderseits lang«> dreisilbiger Versfuß, dreisilbige rhythmische Einheit eines Verses; auch ↑Kretikus genannt ( ∪ ; antike Metrik) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • amphimacer — am•phim•a•cer [[t]æmˈfɪm ə sər[/t]] n. pro a trisyllabic metrical foot whose syllables are long, short, long in quantitative meter, and stressed, unstressed, stressed in accentual meter • Etymology: 1580–90; < L amphimacrus < Gk amphímakros …   From formal English to slang

  • amphimacer — /æmˈfɪməsə/ (say am fimuhsuh) noun (in poetry) a trisyllabic foot in which the syllables come in the following order: long, short, long (quantitative metre), or stressed, unstressed, stressed (accentual metre). Thus, anodyne is an accentual… …  

  • anfímacro — (Del lat. amphimăcrus, y este del gr. ἀμφίμακρος). m. En la poesía griega y latina, pie compuesto de tres sílabas, la primera y la última, largas, y la segunda, breve …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • amphimacer — [am fim′ə sər] n. [< L amphimacrus < Gr amphimakros, lit., long at both ends < amphi , AMPHI + makros, long: see MACRO ] a metrical foot consisting, in Greek and Latin verse, of one short syllable between two long ones, or, in English… …   English World dictionary

  • amphimacer — amˈfiməsə(r), ˈamfəˌmās noun ( s) Etymology: Latin amphimacrus, from Greek amphimakros, literally, long at both ends, from amphi + makros long more at meager : a trisyllabic foot consisting of a short syllable between two long syllables in… …   Useful english dictionary

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