- Amphilochus
īm.Амфилох, вещий сын Амфиарая, один из «эпигонов», основатель города Маллоса (Киликия) и Argos Amphilochicum (Акарнания) C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Amphilochus — Amphilochus, myth., Sohn des Amphiaraus, Seher, Held vor Theben und Troja, zu Mallos in Cilicien von dem Seher Mopsus getödtet; beide hatten in Mallos ein Orakel; er soll Argos Amphilochicum in Akarnanien gegründet haben … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Amphilochus — In Greek mythology, Amphilochus, or Amphílokhos, is the name of three men.1. Amphilochus was the younger son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle and the brother of Alcmaeon.Eriphyle persuaded Amphiaraus to take part in the Seven Against Thebes raid,… … Wikipedia
AMPHILOCHUS — I. AMPHILOCHUS Amphiarai, et Eriphyles fil. reversus ab expeditione Troiana, patriâ relictâ Argos Amphilochium condidit, Rexque et augur apud Graecos habitus fuit. II. AMPHILOCHUS Atheniensis Philosophus, et agriculturae scriptor. Varro l. 1. de… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Amphilochus — /am fil euh keuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a seer, the son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle, and the brother of Alcmaeon. * * * … Universalium
Amphilochus — /am fil euh keuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a seer, the son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle, and the brother of Alcmaeon … Useful english dictionary
АМФИЛОХ — • Amphilochus, см. Alcmaeo, Алкмеон … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Mopsus — For other uses, see Mopsus (disambiguation). Mopsus or Mopsos (Greek: Μόψος) was the name of two famous seers in Greek mythology. A historical/legendary Mopsus was the founder of a house in power at widespread sites in the coastal plains of… … Wikipedia
Iaso — or Ieso (ancient Greek polytonic|Ἰασώ; Ionic Greek polytonic|Ἰησώ) was the Greek goddess of recuperation from illness. The daughter of Asclepius, she had five sisters: Aceso, Aglæa/Ægle, Hygieia, Meditrina, and Panacea. All six were associated… … Wikipedia
Mallus — or Mallos (Greek: Μαλλός; Eth. Μαλλώτης) was an ancient city of Cilicia Campestris (later Cilicia Prima) lying near the mouth of the Pyramus (now the Ceyhan Nehri) river, in Anatolia. In ancient times, the city was situated at the mouth of the… … Wikipedia
Gammariden — Gammaridea Mexikanischer Flohkrebs (Hyalella azteca) Systematik Stamm: Gliederfüßer (Arthropoda) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Iaso — Dans la mythologie grecque, Iaso (en grec ancien Ἰασώ / Iasô, « la guérison »), fille d Asclépios et d Épione, est une divinité de la médecine. Elle est assimilée à la divinité romaine Juturne. Elle avait cinq sœurs : Acéso, Églé,… … Wikipédia en Français