Ingravescentem Aetatem — (рус. Увеличение бремени возраста) апостольское письмо motu proprio Папы римского Павла VI опубликованное 20 сентября 1970 года, которое определяет правила максимального возраста для исполнения обязанностей кардиналов выборщиков. Положения… … Википедия
minor qui infra aetatem 12 annorum fuerit uteagari non potest, nee extra legem poni, quia ante talem aetatem, non est sub lege aliqua, nee in decenna — /maynar kway infra ateytam d(y)uwodasam anoram fyuwarat atlageray non powtast, nek ekstra liyjam pownay, kwaya aentiy teylam ateytam, non est sab liyjiy ablakwa nek in dasena/ A minor who is under twelve years of age cannot be outlawed, nor… … Black's law dictionary
minor qui infra aetatem 12 annorum fuerit uteagari non potest, nee extra legem poni, quia ante talem aetatem, non est sub lege aliqua, nee in decenna — /maynar kway infra ateytam d(y)uwodasam anoram fyuwarat atlageray non powtast, nek ekstra liyjam pownay, kwaya aentiy teylam ateytam, non est sab liyjiy ablakwa nek in dasena/ A minor who is under twelve years of age cannot be outlawed, nor… … Black's law dictionary
Minor, qui infra aetatem 12 annorum fuerit, utlagari non potest, nee extra legem poni, quia ante talent aetatem, non est sub lege aliqua, nee in decenna — A minor who is under the age of twelve years cannot be outlawed, nor be placed outside the law, because before such age, he is not under any law, nor in a decennary … Ballentine's law dictionary
Cogitato, mus pusillus quam sit sapiens bestia aetatem qui non cubili uni umquam committit suam. — См. Плоха мышь, что один только лаз знает … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
dum fuit infra aetatem — /dam fyiiwat infra iyteytam/ (While he was within age.) In old English practice, a writ of entry which formerly lay for an infant after he had attained his full age, to recover lands which he had aliened in fee, in tail, or for life, during his… … Black's law dictionary
ecclesia est infra aetatem et in custodia domini regis, qui tenetur jura et haereditates ejusdem manu tenere et defendere — /akliyz(i)ya est infra ateytam et in kastowdiya domanay riyjss kway taniytar jura et haredateytiyz iyjasdam mabn(y)uw taniriy et dafendariy/ The church is under age, and in the custody of the king, who is bound to uphold and defend its rights and … Black's law dictionary
infra aetatem — /infra ateytam/ Under age; not of age. Applied to minors … Black's law dictionary
malitia supplet aetatem — /malish(iy)3 saplat ateytam/ Malice supplies [the want of] age … Black's law dictionary
minor ante tempus agere non potest in casu proprietatis nee etiam convenire; differetur usque aetatem; sed non cadit breve — /maynar aentiy tempas aejariy non powtast in keys(y)uw praprayateytas nek eshiyam konvanayriy; difariytar askwiy ateytam; sed non keydat briyviy/ A minor before majority cannot act in a case of property, nor even agree; it should be deferred… … Black's law dictionary
dum fuit infra aetatem — /dam fyiiwat infra iyteytam/ (While he was within age.) In old English practice, a writ of entry which formerly lay for an infant after he had attained his full age, to recover lands which he had aliened in fee, in tail, or for life, during his… … Black's law dictionary