- eoad
eō-ad adv. (тж. раздельно)до тех пор, дотоле (e..., dum Ap)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
EOAD — early onset Alzheimer disease … Medical dictionary
EOAD — • early onset Alzheimer disease … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Lawrence Whalley — Lawrence J. Whalley, MD DPM FRCP(E) FRCPsych is Crombie Ross Professor of Mental Health in the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. He is best known for his ground breaking follow up studies of about 750 Aberdeen City and Shire residents who… … Wikipedia
London Buses route 224 — Infobox London Bus number=224 ibus=yes operator=First London garage=Alperton (ON) vehicle=Dennis Dart SLF 9.4m / Marshall Capital (DM) pvr=9 start=Willesden Junction station via=Park Royal Alperton end=Wembley Stadium Station level=Daily length=7 … Wikipedia