- drungus
i m.друнг, отряд солдат Veg, Vop
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
drungus — drungùs, ì adj. (4), druñgus, ì Dkšt žr. drungnas: 1. Drungùs [v]anduo Ms. Pienas tik ką pamelžtas: drungùs tebėr Slm. 2. Drungì diena Lkm. Šiandien drungùs oras, reiks apsivilkt Trgn. Jau druñgios rankos – užsimauk pirštines Slm.… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
drungus — /drarjgas/ In old European law, a band of soldiers (globus militum) … Black's law dictionary
drungus — /drarjgas/ In old European law, a band of soldiers (globus militum) … Black's law dictionary
Droungos — (Greek: δροῦγγος or δρόγγος) or drungus is a late Roman and Byzantine term for a battalion sized military unit, and later for a local command guarding mountain districts. Its commander was a droungarios or drungarius. History and functions The… … Wikipedia
Drungarios — A droungarios, also spelled drungarios ( el. δρουγγάριος, la. drungarius) or, in its English form, drungary, was a military rank of the late Roman and Byzantine Empires. History and use Late Roman and Byzantine army The term drungus is first… … Wikipedia
Byzantinisches Heerwesen — Das Byzantinische Heer stellte den Hauptteil der Streitkräfte des Byzantinischen Reiches dar und war eine der beiden Teilstreitkräfte, die andere war die Byzantinische Marine. Es stand in der Tradition des römischen Heeres und war aufgrund des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Droungarios — A droungarios, also spelled drungarios (Greek: δρουγγάριος, Latin: drungarius) or, in its English form, drungary, was a military rank of the late Roman and Byzantine Empires, signifying the commander of a droungos. Contents 1 Late Roman and… … Wikipedia
Drongaire — Un drongaire (en grec: δρουγγάριος, et en latin: drungarius) est un rang militaire de la fin de l Empire romain et de l Empire byzantin. Il désigne le chef d un drongos. Sommaire 1 Ère romaine tardive et armée byzantine 2 Marine byzantine 3… … Wikipédia en Français
DRUNGARIUS — praefectus DRUNGI. DRUNGUS autem Graecobarb. Δροῦγγος, globus militum, vel pars quaedam exercitus est, sub adulto Imperio vox nota Romanis, quâ tamen primitus non de suis, sed de gentium militibus usi sunt, vide Vopisc. in Probo, Veget. de re… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
друг — I I., см. друк. II II., род. п. друга, мн. друзья (из др. русск. собир. дружья ж., наряду с им. мн. друзи – Соболевский, РФВ 22, 303), укр. друг, ст. слав. дроугъ φίλος (Клоц., Супр.), болг. друг, сербохорв. дру̑г, словен. drȗg, чеш., слвц. druh … Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера
Byzantine battle tactics — The Byzantine army evolved from that of the late Roman Empire. The language of the army was still Latin (though later and especially after the 6th century Greek dominates, as Greek became the official language of the entire empire) but it became… … Wikipedia