Смотреть что такое "drungarius" в других словарях:
DRUNGARIUS — praefectus DRUNGI. DRUNGUS autem Graecobarb. Δροῦγγος, globus militum, vel pars quaedam exercitus est, sub adulto Imperio vox nota Romanis, quâ tamen primitus non de suis, sed de gentium militibus usi sunt, vide Vopisc. in Probo, Veget. de re… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
drungarius — /drarjgeriyas/ In old European law, the commander of a drungus, or band of soldiers. Applied also to a naval commander … Black's law dictionary
drungarius — /drarjgeriyas/ In old European law, the commander of a drungus, or band of soldiers. Applied also to a naval commander … Black's law dictionary
Constantinus Drungarius, S. (2) — 2S. Constantinus Drungarius, (6. März), ein Martyrer in Syrien. S. S. Theodorus Craterus … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
BIGLAE Drungarius — officium in Civitate Constantinopol. idem cum Praefecto Vigilum, e qua voce Graeci βίγλα fecerunt, i. e. excubitor, vigil. Vide Macrum Hierolex. et infra Vigil … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
drongaire — ● drongaire nom masculin (bas latin drungarius) Titre militaire byzantin. ⇒DRONGAIRE, DRUNGAIRE, subst. masc. HIST. Officier de l armée byzantine commandant une subdivision de la légion ou grand amiral de la flotte. Grands drongaires (GREEN,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
drungaire — ⇒DRONGAIRE, DRUNGAIRE, subst. masc. HIST. Officier de l armée byzantine commandant une subdivision de la légion ou grand amiral de la flotte. Grands drongaires (GREEN, Journal, 1955 58, p. 143) : • L empereur grec pâlit dans Byzance aux abois;… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Walls of Constantinople — Istanbul, Turkey Map showing Constantinople and its walls du … Wikipedia
Drungarios — A droungarios, also spelled drungarios ( el. δρουγγάριος, la. drungarius) or, in its English form, drungary, was a military rank of the late Roman and Byzantine Empires. History and use Late Roman and Byzantine army The term drungus is first… … Wikipedia
King of the Gypsies — For the 1978 movie with the same title, see King of the Gypsies (film). The title King of the Gypsies has been claimed or given over the centuries to many different people. It is both culturally and geographically specific. It may be inherited,… … Wikipedia
Konstantinos Lips — (or Libos) (Greek: Κωνσταντίνος Λιψ ) was a byzantine Drungarius which lived between the 9th and the 10th century and served under Emperor Leo VI. In Constantinople he founded the female monastery bearing his name. He died in 917 fighting against … Wikipedia