Смотреть что такое "Cydoneum" в других словарях:
Quiddany — Quid da*ny, n. [L. cydoneum quince juice, quince wine. See {Quince}.] A confection of quinces, in consistency between a sirup and marmalade. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
BONJAMA — inter genera Annanae. Est autem Anas sive Annanas fructus adeo delectabilis et formosus, ut Natura excellentiorem iproduxisse neutiquam videatur: humilius crescit, in herba acuta semper vivo Hispaniae non absimili. Virorem maturitati proximum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
κυδώνιος — κυδώνιος, ία, ον (Α) 1. μτφ. φουσκωμένος σαν κυδώνι («κυδώνια τιτθία», Αριστοφ. 2. (κατά τον Ησύχ.) «κυδώνιον μέγα καὶ ἀξιόλογον, ἢ ἀπατηλόν, δόλιον, λοίδορον...» 3. φρ. «κυδώνιον μῆλον» ο καρπός τής κυδωνιάς, το κυδώνι. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Η λ. στο ουδ.… … Dictionary of Greek
quince — [kwıns] n [U and C] [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: Plural of coyn, quyn quince (14 16 centuries), from Old French coin, from Latin cotoneum, cydoneum (malum) Cydonian (apple) , from Greek Kydonia Cydonia , ancient city in Crete] a hard yellow fruit… … Dictionary of contemporary English
quince — [14] Etymologically, the quince is the ‘fruit from Khaniá’, a port on the northwest coast of Crete from which quinces were exported. In ancient times Khaniá was known as Cydonia (in Greek Kudónia), so the Greeks called the fruit mélon Kudónion… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
Codognès — Variante francisée du catalan Codonyès, forme avec S d appartenance de Codonyer, qui renvoie au cognassier (évidemment, l arbre qui produit des coings). Le mot coing (catalan codony) vient de deux formes latines qui se sont mélangées, cydoneum et … Noms de famille
quince — [14] Etymologically, the quince is the ‘fruit from Khaniá’, a port on the northwest coast of Crete from which quinces were exported. In ancient times Khaniá was known as Cydonia (in Greek Kudónia), so the Greeks called the fruit mélon Kudónion… … Word origins
quince — n. 1 a hard acid pear shaped fruit used as a preserve or flavouring. 2 any shrub or small tree of the genus Cydonia, esp. C. oblonga, bearing this fruit. Etymology: ME, orig. collect. pl. of obs. quoyn, coyn, f. OF cooin f. L cotoneum var. of… … Useful english dictionary
cydonium — sīˈdōnēəm noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin cydoneum (malum), quince more at quince pharmacy : quince seed … Useful english dictionary