- Ut supra
- как сказано выше
Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. Н.Т. Бабичев, Я.М. Боровской. 1982.
Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. Н.Т. Бабичев, Я.М. Боровской. 1982.
supra- — ♦ Élément, du lat. supra « au dessus, au delà » : « une musique supranaturelle » (Barrès). « ses dons supranormaux » (Daniel Rops). « cette réalité supra humaine » (Beauvoir). supra Préfixe, du lat. supra, au dessus . ⇒SUPRA , élém. formant I.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
supra — [ sypra ] adv. • mot lat. « au dessus » ♦ Sert à renvoyer à un passage qui se trouve avant, dans un texte (cf. Plus haut, ci dessus). ⊗ CONTR. Infra. ● supra adverbe (latin supra, ci dessus) S emploie dans un texte pour renvoyer plus haut. ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Supra, Inc. — Supra, Inc., previously known as Supra Corporation, were best known as manufacturers of modems for personal computers, but also produced a range of hardware for the Amiga, including SCSI controllers, memory boards, and processor accelerators.The… … Wikipedia
supra — su·pra / sü prə/ adj [Latin]: earlier in this writing: above in the discussion supra used in books, articles, and cases to refer the reader to previous pages, sections, or footnotes of the text or previous citations of other works see cases cited … Law dictionary
SUPRA Caisse-maladie — Rechtsform Stiftung [1] Gründung 1846 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supra — (aus dem Lateinischen supra „über“) bezeichnet: Toyota Supra, Automodell des japanischen Herstellers Toyota Simson Supra, Automodell des deutschen Herstellers Simson SUPRA Caisse maladie, eine Schweizer Krankenkasse Kurzwort für das Medikament… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supra Montreal — Supra Montréal FC Supra de Montréal Club fondé en 1988 Statut professionnel … Wikipédia en Français
supra- — pref. Elemento designativo de superioridade, excelência, excesso, acima. ‣ Etimologia: latim supra, sobre, por cima de, para lá de • Nota: É seguido de hífen quando o segundo elemento começa por vogal, h, r ou s (ex.: supra axilar, supra… … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Supra-esophagal — Su pra e*soph a*gal, Supra esophageal Su pra e so*phag e*al, a. (Bot. & Zo[ o]l.) Situated above, or on the dorsal side of, the esophagus; as, the supra esophageal ganglion of Crustacea. [Written also {supra [oe]sophagal}, and {supra… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Supra-esophageal — Supra esophagal Su pra e*soph a*gal, Supra esophageal Su pra e so*phag e*al, a. (Bot. & Zo[ o]l.) Situated above, or on the dorsal side of, the esophagus; as, the supra esophageal ganglion of Crustacea. [Written also {supra [oe]sophagal}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
supra-oesophagal — Supra esophagal Su pra e*soph a*gal, Supra esophageal Su pra e so*phag e*al, a. (Bot. & Zo[ o]l.) Situated above, or on the dorsal side of, the esophagus; as, the supra esophageal ganglion of Crustacea. [Written also {supra [oe]sophagal}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English