Tota re perspecta

Tota re perspecta
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Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. . 1982.

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Смотреть что такое "Tota re perspecta" в других словарях:

  • INCIVILE EST, NISI TOTA LEGE PERSPECTA, UNA ALIQUA PARTICULA EIUS PROPOSITA IUDICARE VEL RESPONDERE — – неправильно, не рассмотрев закона в целом, вынести суждение или дать заключение, остановившись на какой либо частице закона …   Советский юридический словарь

  • incivile est, nisi tota lege perspecta, una aliqua particula ejus proposita, judicare, vel respondere — /insivaliy est, naysay towts liyjiy psrspekts, yuwna aelakws partikysla iyjas prapozsta, juwdakeriy, vel raspondiriy/ It is improper, without looking at the whole of a law, to give judgment or advice, upon a view of any one clause of it …   Black's law dictionary

  • incivile est, nisi tota lege perspecta, una aliqua particula ejus proposita, judicare, vel respondere — /insivaliy est, naysay towts liyjiy psrspekts, yuwna aelakws partikysla iyjas prapozsta, juwdakeriy, vel raspondiriy/ It is improper, without looking at the whole of a law, to give judgment or advice, upon a view of any one clause of it …   Black's law dictionary

  • Incivile est, nisi tota lege prospecta, una aliqua particula ejus proposita, judicare vel respondere — It is unfair, unless the whole of the law has been examined to adjudge or to advise respecting some particular provision of it. The word prospects in the maxim is sometimes written as perspecta …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • opinion — opin·ion /ə pin yən/ n 1 a: a belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge b: a formal expression of a judgment or appraisal by an expert see also opinion testimony at testimony compare …   Law dictionary

  • Publius Iuventius Celsus — Titus Aufidius Hoenius Severianus (2nd. ct. AD) – the son of a little known jurist of the same name, hence also Celsus filius – was, together with Julian, the most influential Ancient Roman jurist of the High Classical era.Celsus was presumably… …   Wikipedia

  • judgment — judg·ment also judge·ment / jəj mənt/ n 1 a: a formal decision or determination on a matter or case by a court; esp: final judgment in this entry compare dictum, disposition …   Law dictionary

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