Mare clausum — (legal latin meaning closed sea ) is a term used in international law to mention a sea, ocean or other navigable body of water under the jurisdiction of a state that is closed or not accessible to other states. Mare clausum is an exception to… … Wikipedia
Mare clausum — Ma re clau sum [L.] (Internat. Law) Lit., closed sea; hence, a body of water within the separate jurisdiction of the nation; opposed to {open sea} ({mare liberum}), the water open to all nations and over which no single nation has special control … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mare clausum — [mä΄rā klou′səm] n. [L, closed sea] a sea under the jurisdiction of a single nation and not open to all others … English World dictionary
mare clausum — n. closed sea ; territorial waters. ♦ mare liberum, open sea ; sea outside territorial waters. ♦ mare nostrum /, our sea ; Roman name for Mediterranean … Dictionary of difficult words
mare clausum — /mair ee klaw seuhm, mahr ay/; Lat. /mah rdde klow soom/ a body of navigable water under the sole jurisdiction of a nation. Cf. mare liberum. [1645 55; < L: closed sea] * * * … Universalium
mare clausum — noun Etymology: New Latin, literally, closed sea Date: 1652 a navigable body of water (as a sea) that is under the jurisdiction of one nation and is closed to other nations … New Collegiate Dictionary
mare clausum — [ˌmα:reɪ klaʊsʊm, klɔ:zəm] noun (plural maria clausa ˌmα:rɪə klaʊsə, klɔ:zə) Law the sea under the jurisdiction of a particular country. Origin L., closed sea … English new terms dictionary
mare clausum — ma•re clau•sum [[t]ˈmɛər i ˈklɔ səm, ˈklaʊ , ˈmɑr eɪ[/t]] n. gov a body of navigable water under the sole jurisdiction of one nation • Etymology: < L: closed sea … From formal English to slang
mare clausum — noun (closed sea) a navigable body of water under the jurisdiction of a single nation • Hypernyms: ↑waterway … Useful english dictionary
mare liberum — n. [L., free sea.] A navigable body of water to which all nations have equal access; the opposite of {mare clausum}. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
MARE Virginium — seu melius Verginium, pars est Australis maris Hibernici, inter Hiberniam et Bolerium promontorium Cornubiae, nunc mer d Irlande ex parte tantum. Plura de Mari, Vide apud Auctorem anonymum Hist. Orbis Terr. Geogr. et Civ. De quaestione, an mare… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale