Смотреть что такое "orchestrina" в других словарях:
orchestrină — orchestrínă s. f., g. d. art. orchestrínei; pl. orchestríne Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic ORCHESTRÍNĂ s.f. (muz.) Orchestră mică de muzică uşoară. [< it. orchestrina]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 29.06.2005. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
orchestrina — s.f. [dim. di orchestra ]. (mus.) [piccola orchestra di musica leggera] ▶◀ band, complesso, gruppo (musicale) … Enciclopedia Italiana
Orchestrina di camera — The orchestrina di camera (or clavecin harmonique) is a small keyboard instrument invented by the English builder of harmoniums and organs, Cheltenham born W.E. Evans (1810–1884). He patented it on 29 October 1862. The orchestrina di camera,… … Wikipedia
orchestrina — noun orchestrion … Wiktionary
orchestrina — or·che·strì·na s.f. 1. → orchestra 2. CO orchestra formata da un numero limitato di strumentisti che suonano musica leggera in spettacoli di varietà, nelle sale da ballo e sim … Dizionario italiano
orchestrina — pl.f. orchestrine … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
orchestrina — or·ches·tri·na … English syllables
orchestrina — ˌȯ(r)kə̇ˈstrēnə noun ( s) Etymology: orchestra + ina : orchestrion … Useful english dictionary
orchestrina di camera — ▪ musical instrument any of a group of small keyboard instruments related to the harmonium, invented and made by W.E. Evans of London. He patented them on Oct. 29, 1862. Designed to imitate the tone of the clarinet, oboe, flute,… … Universalium
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich — born May 7, 1840, Votkinsk, Russia died Nov. 6, 1893, St. Petersburg Russian composer. Sensitive and interested in music from his early childhood, Tchaikovsky turned to serious composition at age 14. In 1862 he began studying at the new St.… … Universalium
Musical Instruments — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Musical Instruments >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 musical instruments musical instruments Sgm: N 1 band band Sgm: N 1 string band string band brass band Sgm: N 1 orchestra orchestra Sgm: N 1 orchestrina orchestrina … English dictionary for students