Смотреть что такое "forlivese" в других словарях:
forlivese — for·li·vé·se agg., s.m. e f. CO agg., di Forlì | agg., s.m. e f., nativo o abitante di Forlì {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1834. ETIMO: der. del lat. For(um) Livii, ant. nome di Forlì, nome di un capoluogo di provincia dell Emilia Romagna, con ese … Dizionario italiano
forlivese — pl.m. e f. forlivesi … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Forlì — For the municipality in Molise, see Forlì del Sannio. For the infantry division, see 36 Mountain Infantry Division Forlì. Forlì Comune Comune di Forlì … Wikipedia
Cesena — For Cesena football club, see A.C. Cesena. Cesena Comune Comune di Cesena … Wikipedia
Servite Order — Santissima Annunziata Basilica, Florence, the mother church of the Servite Order The Servite Order is one of the five original Catholic mendicant orders. Its objects are the sanctification of its members, preaching the Gospel, and the propagation … Wikipedia
Carlo Cignani — Carlo Cignani, Joseph and Potiphar s Wife, Gemäldegalerie, Berlin, 1680 Carlo Cignani (15 May 1628 8 September 1719) was an Italian painter of the Bolognese and of the Forlivese school, active in the Baroque period. He was born to a noble family… … Wikipedia
Cornelius Gallus — Gaius Cornelius Gallus (ca. 70 BC – 26 BC), Roman poet, orator and politician, was born of humble parents at Forum Livii (Forlì)[1] in Italy. At an early age he moved to Rome, where he was taught by the same master as Virgil and Varius Rufus.… … Wikipedia
Languages of Italy — Dialects of Italy redirects here. For dialects of the Italian language, see Italian dialects. Languages of Italy Languages of Italy by groups[1 … Wikipedia
Melozzo da Forlì — self portrait Born c. 1438 Forlì Died 1494 (aged 55–56) Forlì Field … Wikipedia
Barbara Manfredi — (1444 1466) was the wife of Pino III Ordelaffi, lord of Forlì (Italy).She was born in Faenza, current Emilia Romagna, to Astorre II Manfredi, seignior of that city. At the age seven she was bethrothed to the powerful Pino III Ordelaffi, who… … Wikipedia
Pino III Ordelaffi — (March 1436 ndash; October 1480) was an Italian condottiero and lord of Forlì. He was a member of the Ordelaffi family.The son of Antonio I Ordelaffi, he was the brother of Francesco IV Ordelaffi, lord of Forlì from 1448. In 1462 he married… … Wikipedia