- falsobordone
m муз.фобурдон
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Falsobordone — is a style of recitation found in music from the 15th to the 18th centuries. Most often associated with the harmonization of Gregorian psalm tones, it is based on root position triads and is first known to have appeared appeared in southern… … Wikipedia
Falsobordone — [italienisch] der, /...si...ni, zunächst gleichbedeutend mit Fauxbourdon; seit dem 16. Jahrhundert Sammelbezeichnung für Kompositionen (vorwiegend über Psalmen), bei denen sich alle Stimmen, syllabisch textiert, gleichrhythmisch in Akkorden… … Universal-Lexikon
falsobordone — method of harmonizing psalm tunes, closely related to fauxbourdon (q.v.). * * * … Universalium
Falsobordone — A means of harmonizing psalm tones with homophonic chords in root position, it is reminiscent of, but historically not derivative of fauxbourdon. It seems to have grown up in Spain (as fabordón) and Italy in the 1480s with the addition and… … Historical dictionary of sacred music
falsobordone — fal·so·bor·dó·ne s.m. 1. TS st.mus. nel XIV sec., forma di contrappunto consistente nell esecuzione di un canto accompagnato da altre due voci che procedono parallelamente a intervalli inferiori 2. TS lit. modo di declamazione di salmi nel quale… … Dizionario italiano
falsobordone — pl.m. falsibordoni … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Фобурдон — (франц. fauxbourdon букв. «ложный бурдон»; позднелат. faburdon, faulxbourdon, также раздельно faulx bourdon), 1) техники композиции в многоголосной музыке западной Европы, главным образом, XV XVI веков; 2) жанр инструментальной… … Википедия
Schwedische Sackpfeife — Leif Erikssons Rekonstruktion einer traditionellen schwedischen Sackpfeife Die schwedische Sackpfeife (schwedischer Dudelsack), auf schwedisch säckpipa, pôsu (påse), bälgpipa, drommpipa oder pipsäck genannt, ist die Art Sackpfeife, die man… … Deutsch Wikipedia
fauxbourdon — /foh beuhr don /; Fr. /foh boohrdd dawonn /, n. 1. Music. a 15th century compositional technique employing three voices, the upper and lower voices progressing an octave or a sixth apart while the middle voice extemporaneously doubles the upper… … Universalium
Cantigas de Santa Maria — The Cantigas de Santa Maria ( Songs to the Virgin Mary ) are manuscripts written in Galician Portuguese, with music notation, during the reign of Alfonso X El Sabio (1221 1284) and are one of the largest collections of monophonic (solo) songs… … Wikipedia
Miserere (Allegri) — Miserere, full name Miserere mei, Deus (Latin: Have mercy on me, O God ) by Italian composer Gregorio Allegri, is a setting of Psalm 51 (50) composed during the reign of Pope Urban VIII, probably during the 1630s, for use in the Sistine Chapel… … Wikipedia