- distemperare
- distemperare vt lett v. stemperare
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
distemperare — di·stem·pe·rà·re v.tr. (io distèmpero) BU stemperare, sciogliere una sostanza solida in un liquido {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: distemprare. DATA: 1Є metà XIII sec. ETIMO: dal lat. distemperāre, v. anche temperare … Dizionario italiano
détremper — 1. détremper [ detrɑ̃pe ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • mil. XIIe; bas lat. distemperare « délayer » ♦ Amollir ou délayer en mélangeant avec un liquide. Détremper des couleurs. Détremper de la chaux, du mortier. Chemin détrempé, très mouillé et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
distemper — distemper1 distemperedly, adv. distemperedness, n. /dis tem peuhr/, n. 1. Vet. Pathol. a. Also called canine distemper. an infectious disease chiefly of young dogs, caused by an unidentified virus and characterized by lethargy, fever, catarrh,… … Universalium
distemper — English has two distinct words distemper, although ultimately they come from the same source, Latin temperāre ‘mingle’ (source of English temper, temperate, and temperature). This formed the basis of two separate medieval Latin verbs, both… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
distemper — distemper1 [dɪ stɛmpə] noun a kind of paint having a base of glue or size instead of oil, used on walls. ↘a method of mural and poster painting using this. verb [often as adjective distempered] paint with distemper. Origin ME (orig. as a verb in… … English new terms dictionary
distemper — I dis•tem•per [[t]dɪsˈtɛm pər[/t]] n. 1) vet a) Also called canine distemper an infectious disease chiefly of young dogs, caused by an unidentified virus and characterized by lethargy, fever, catarrh, photophobia, and vomiting. b) Also called… … From formal English to slang
distemper — English has two distinct words distemper, although ultimately they come from the same source, Latin temperāre ‘mingle’ (source of English temper, temperate, and temperature). This formed the basis of two separate medieval Latin verbs, both… … Word origins
distemper — distemper1 [dis tem′pər] vt. [ME distemperen < OFr destemprer or ML distemperare, to disorder (esp. the “tempers,” or four humors) < L dis , apart + temperare, to mix in proportion: see TEMPER] 1. Obs. to make bad tempered; disturb; ruffle… … English World dictionary
distemper — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a kind of paint using glue or size instead of an oil base, for use on walls or for scene painting. 2 a method of mural and poster painting using this. v.tr. paint (walls etc.) with distemper. Etymology: earlier as verb, f. OF… … Useful english dictionary
dis|tem|per — dis|tem|per1 «dihs TEHM puhr», noun, verb. –n. 1. a) an infectious disease of dogs and other animals, accompanied by fever, a short, dry cough, and weakness. It is caused by a virus and affects chiefly young dogs. b) a serious viral disease of… … Useful english dictionary
distemper — I. transitive verb Etymology: Middle English distempren, from Late Latin distemperare to temper badly, from Latin dis + temperare to temper Date: 14th century 1. to throw out of order 2. archaic derange, unsettle II. noun … New Collegiate Dictionary