- helix-turn-helix
- helix-turn-helix.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Helix-coil transition model — Helix coil transition models are formalized techniques in statistical mechanics developed to describe conformations of linear polymers in solution. The models are usually but not exclusively applied to polypeptides as a measure of the relative… … Wikipedia
Helix-loop-helix-Transkriptionsfaktoren — sind ein Strukturmotiv DNA bindender Proteine, das aus einer kurzen α Helix besteht, die durch eine flexible Schleife (engl. loop) mit einer zweiten längeren Helix verknüpft ist. Dieses HLH Motiv unterscheidet sich vom Helix Turn Helix Motiv.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
helix — a spiral thing, 1560s, from L. helix spiral, from Gk. helix (gen. helikos), related to eilein to turn, twist, roll, from PIE *wel ik , from root *wel to turn, revolve (see VULVA (Cf. vulva)) … Etymology dictionary
helix — [hē′liks] n. pl. helixes or helices [hel′i sēz΄] [L, kind of ivy, spiral < Gr, a spiral < helissein, to turn around < IE base * wel , to turn, twist > WALK] 1. any spiral, as one lying in a single plane or, esp., one moving around a… … English World dictionary
Helix — He lix, n.; pl. L. {Helices}, E. {Helixes}. [L. helix, Gr. ?, ?, fr. ? to turn round; cf. L. volvere, and E. volute, voluble.] 1. (Geom.) A nonplane curve whose tangents are all equally inclined to a given plane. The common helix is the curve… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Helix-turn-helix — In proteins, the helix turn helix (HTH) is a major structural motif capable of binding DNA. It is composed of two α helices joined by a short strand of amino acids and is found in many proteins that regulate gene expression. It should not to be… … Wikipedia
Helix-Turn-Helix-Motiv — Das Repressorprotein des Lamda Bakteriophagen bindet mittels eines Helix Turn Helix Motivs (in der Visualisierung grün) an DNA (In der Visualisierung blau und rot), nach PDB 1LMB. Das Helix Turn Helix Motiv (HTH) ist ein Sekundärstruk … Deutsch Wikipedia
Helix — This article is about the shape. For other uses, see Helix (disambiguation). The helix (cos t, sin t, t) from t = 0 to 4π with arrowheads showing direction of increasing t … Wikipedia
Helix-turn-helix-Transkriptionsfaktoren — Das Helix Turn Helix Motiv (HTH) ist ein Sekundärstrukturelement in Proteinen. Es ist Bestandteil von DNA bindenden Proteinen mit sequenzspezifischer DNA Bindedomäne und setzt sich aus zwei α Helices zusammen, die durch einen kurzen β Faltblatt… … Deutsch Wikipedia
helix — 1. [NA] The margin of the auricle; a folded rim of cartilage forming the upper part of the anterior, the superior, and the greater part of the posterior edges of the auricle. 2. A line in the shape of a coil (or a spring, or the threads on a bo … Medical dictionary